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BuildAppHelper returned 110

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A the end of my AF project application build, the build fails with Error 1. I noticed that a "log" file is created during the build in the "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\2" directory with the name "LabVIEW_32_18.0.1f4_username_cur.txt". Along with the hundreds of "HEAPOBJ_BROKEN" and "VI_BROKEN" entries, the last entry in this file is:

"BuildAppHelper returned 110"


I was hoping this would be a better clue about why the build is failing other than "Error 1".


Any ideas what 110 means?


The application runs fine in development mode. I get this same error when building the example "Actor Framework Fundamentals".

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Message 1 of 3

I can't help specifically, but that sounds a little familiar. I didn't get as far as you did in finding error codes. I only noticed the build was crashing with some useless error, and I could get around it by enabling absolutely everything in the Build Spec. Then I could compile the project, but it immediately crashed trying to launch the first Actor, which led to this question:

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author BillMe

Two things to get my builds to work again:

  1. A piece of security software was tweaked by my InfoSec org.
    1. This got my application (EXE) build to work successfully again but my Installer build would error out.
  2. Installing LV2019
    1. Now using LV2018, I can build an Installer without errors.
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Message 3 of 3