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DVR or data copy? How to deal with large data in AOP projects

Try using "Preserve Run-time Class".  You can replace the object in the DVR with another of the same class or a child class.

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Message 21 of 23

Thanks.  Actually just stumbled upon that solution on an old LAVA thread.

Now to see if the performance improvements were worth it...

Certified LabVIEW Architect
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Message 22 of 23

Just create a single-element cluster of your object and put that in the DVR.

DVRs of single-element clusters allow the type of the data within them to change because they disallow casting the refnum itself to other types. A reference archictecture can only support one or the other, never both (because otherwise you trivially get references to a child type that contains a type that isn't a child).

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Message 23 of 23