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Problem using LV Unit Test with 2015 Actor Framework

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I have created a project using LV2014 that uses the Actor Framweork, as well as the LV Unit Test to test it.

When I upgraded to LV2015 (including using the new Actor Framwork library that came with LV2015), I ran the Unit Tests in my project and they all reported an error: "LabVIEW: Class could not be loaded."

I created a simple dummy project to test this further, that contained a single actor. I added one simple method to that actor, and then tried to do a Unit Test on that, and had the same problem (I have attached this code - Run the test called "Untitled 2.lvtest").

I also added another 'non-actor' class to that project and created the same simple method for that, and was able to run a unit test on that without any problems.

I've also saved the Actor Framework that came with LV 2014 as LV2015 code, and have no problems using that - so I can proceed using that, but then I  don't get to use the new DETT support for the actor framework.

Anyone else experienced this problem?



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Message 1 of 2
Accepted by topic author JohnG3k

Sorry, ignore this post. Looks like I have a corrupt installation.

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