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using usb-8473

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We purchased the usb-8473 for constructing a diagnostic for a custom CAN device used in a high energy physics lab.


The can device uses extended message frames (29 bit), and custom message IDs.


These requirements would not be a problem if I could use the Channel API, which as it turns out is not available for the usb-8473.


Is there any way to use the NI usb-8473 with the frame to channel conversion, or I have just purchased an expensive paper weight?


Sorry if I missed an relevant examples, but I did look -


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Message 1 of 5

NIXNET offers a pretty easy frame to channel conversion, so if you install NIXNET in addtion you may use just those VIs for the conversion and do the CAN IO with NI-CAN frame API

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Message 2 of 5

After looking at the documentation again, I realize I was mixing the concepts the Channel API, and frame to channel conversion which is really about the output data, not using the interface.


So if there is not a way to specify extended frame format and a arbitration ID with the Frame API, I'm stuck.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by D._Slimmer

To use extended IDs, you need to OR in the value 0x20000000 to the arbitration ID (it may be 0x4000000, but I think it is 0x20000000). This should be in the manual.

Message 4 of 5

GPIB_guru is correct.  In order to specify an extended ID (29-bit) OR in the bit mask 20000000 hex.

Message 5 of 5