Bay Area LabVIEW User Group

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LabVIEW Meetup Group

Hello fellow Bay Area LabVIEW User Group Members:

I am teaming up with the best consulting group that I have worked with over the past 15 years to create a LabVIEW focused Round Table and Meetup group.  We hope to plan value added gatherings for the LabVIEW community.  We plan to peruse topics like: new contracts, helping clients, developing talent, specific LabVIEW interest topics, solving technical issues, and anything else the group decides or needs.

We are shooting for a meeting in Santa Clara during the 2nd or 3rd week of November in the morning or evening.

Please pass this along to other LabView Enthusiasts and copy me so I can add their email to the LabVIEW Enthusiasts list.

Please reply-all letting us know your interest level, preferred time of day and some suggested topics for the coming meetings.

Also, be on the lookout for an invitation to join our LabVIEW Round Table sent to you by

Looking forward to meet you and seeing some of you again, soon!

-Matt Bradley, CLD

-Matt Bradley

************ kudos always appreciated, but only when deserved **************************

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Hi Matt,

Sounds promising if there is more focus on a core goal. 

I'd like to know more.  The plan seems rather open ended (initially by design?). Will the first meetings determine the direction?

Is NI in tune with this, and will this try to impact what they do?

I am optomistic.  I would just like more clarity.

Thank you for starting this Round Table.

Ken Roberge

LabVIEW Programmer since 1995.

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I am interested. Either morning or evening works for me.Sadi Karaman

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Yes I am interested. November is a good time because it is halfway between user group meetings.

I would prefer evenings.

I look forward to hearing back from you. Let me know if you need help getting this thing going.


Sent from my iPhone

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