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Brainwave Processing App

Hi Matt,

I have tried the Neurosky device and it works very well for what it does - a single channel of EEG with no mess and quick setup at low-cost.  It has a single dry electrode on the forehead - goes on just like a pair of wireless headphones.  With the one forehead electrode, you get a combination of EEG, forehead EMG, and even eye blinks and it is relatively easy to extract these three components from the raw data. There seems to be a pretty aggressive 60Hz notch filter (you can see it in the frequency domain of the acquired data).  The Bluetooth connection takes a little while to connect, but once connected things go pretty smoothly.  I think this is the perfect device for teaching some basic physiological monitoring and biofeedback concepts in a undergrad lab or even high school setting - safe, easy to setup and use, but versatile enough to get into some signal processing concepts.


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Message 11 of 12

Hi Matt,

If your contact at Emotiv would like to talk to someone at NI about ways to distibute and market an Emotiv toolkit for LabVIEW, please give him my contact information. I may be able to offer him some assistance with the LabVIEW side of the driver development.



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Message 12 of 12