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Your Input Needed: Advanced LabVIEW Sessions at NIWeek 2009




Even though NIWeek 2009 is months away, we here at NI are already organizing the technical sessions that you'll attend. We are putting a special emphasis on advanced content this year and I want to be sure that we go deep and cover all of your questions on these topics. To do so, I want your input on the following seven advanced technical sessions.



For the past month I have analyzed previous session attendance, worked with LabVIEW R&D and conferred with the LabVIEW Champions to create the following list of advanced LabVIEW sessions for the "Software Development Techniques" track (This list does not include advanced LabVIEW sessions that may appear in the other tracks). 

- New Advanced Features in LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming

- Advanced Error Handling Techniques

- Enhanced Data Visualization in LabVIEW

- Multicore Design Patterns in LabVIEW

- New Software Engineering Tools for Large LabVIEW Applications

- LabVIEW Team Oriented Development - From Requirements to Deployment

- Best Practices for Memory Management and Optimization of LabVIEW Code

These are the topics that I'm going to make sure are truly advanced (there are 20+ more sessions and I can post that list later on for similar discussion). These advanced topics are fixed, so I want to focus the conversation on these particular sessions, and not what other sessions we should consider for this year (of course we'll take those kinds of suggestions for next year's planning)


LabVIEW Nation: what questions do you want answered in these sessions? What concepts would you like to see taken to new technical depths by senior LabVIEW R&D and LabVIEW Champion presenters? What things have you already heard too much about that we should skip over?



Let the open source session planning begin! Here's to the best advanced sessions ever presented at NIWeek!






ps.  There are a couple other sessions that I can't talk about yet, but they're going to be awesome so you'll just have to wait and see...Smiley Wink

Todd S.
LabVIEW Community Manager
National Instruments
Message 1 of 21

error handling and finding error codes has been long ignored, so I hope somebody has a nice story to tell with a number of tips.

How to add up errors

How to log errors

how to have a non blocking error dialog/message popup

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 21

HI Todd,


If you want feedback on the session please provide a link to a page that list the sessions and their desciptions.


I hit your link and tried to find a list but came up empty.


Don't make it so hard.


Curious what sessions you are talking about,



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 21

Without looking....


In a documnetary on Stephen Hawkin he talk about his book "A History of Space and Time" when his publisher told him that "you will loose half of you readers for every formula you use." If I were able to attend, VI's with express VIs in them would have a similar effect on me.


Still wondering what is in those sessions....



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 4 of 21

For Multicore design, get past the standard 3 ways to parallelize code (inlining, parallel loops, etc.) in the first 5 minutes or less.  We hear those every time there is a presentation on multicore design.  They may be worth mentioning, but don't spend any time discussing them.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
Message 5 of 21

Ben wrote:


If you want feedback on the session please provide a link to a page that list the sessions and their desciptions.


I hit your link and tried to find a list but came up empty.


Don't make it so hard.


Curious what sessions you are talking about,


The session topics/titles are listed in my original post on this thread.  There is no description yet, I'm hoping that the LabVIEW Nation can define the outline for each session. In case that isn't obvious above, here are the advanced sessions where I want your input.


- New Advanced Features in LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming

- Advanced Error Handling Techniques

- Enhanced Data Visualization in LabVIEW

- Multicore Design Patterns in LabVIEW

- New Software Engineering Tools for Large LabVIEW Applications

- LabVIEW Team Oriented Development - From Requirements to Deployment

- Best Practices for Memory Management and Optimization of LabVIEW Code


Let me know if that's hard Smiley Wink and how you'd prefer to give feedback.



Todd S.
LabVIEW Community Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 21

So it had nothing to do with the link after all. No woner I could not find them.


1)- New Advanced Features in LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming

2)- Advanced Error Handling Techniques

3)- Enhanced Data Visualization in LabVIEW

4)- Multicore Design Patterns in LabVIEW

5)- New Software Engineering Tools for Large LabVIEW Applications

6)- LabVIEW Team Oriented Development - From Requirements to Deployment

7)- Best Practices for Memory Management and Optimization of LabVIEW Code


Covers the implementation and use (both simple and advanced) of the stanard design patterns identified by "the gang of four".

Deploying new objects to an executable with regenerating the exe.

Implentation of Active Objects including minimizing memory foot print as well as invoking methods.



Background Error Logger

Stacking errors

Defining User Error codes 



This topic would be too simple if the Picture control was not invloved.

Picture format and high-speed updates (Norm can help you with that one).



Emhesize design conciderations that apply to single core machines but are extendable to cross network machines



This sounds like a sale pitch for Req Gateway and that new tester widget.

What I'd like to attend (but is only a dream) is a demo of the software that implements all of the diagrams and model in UML right down through the contract and SSD (Sytem Sequence Diagrams) that are capable of interacting directly with LVOOP. That would be a tool that would help use the work done rather than managing what got writ and what was left to do. Yes I know its a dream but it would fit that title rather nicely.



How to design and break up an app so multiple developers can play together nicely.

Identifying components, defing their requirements.

Integration testing.



"Have you ever wondered 'Should I copy one value at a time to avoid crating a buffer...' then this is the seminar for YOU! It teaches you to spot when and where LV creates, uses, and copies buffers as well as "lift the hood" on many other performance related questions. On successful completion of this seminar you will be able to chosse the right data structures at design time that will perform well in your final application.


So that my cents worth.


What do the rest of your think?



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 7 of 21

They all sound good. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be making NIWeek this year.


Ben wrote:

What I'd like to attend (but is only a dream) is a demo of the software that implements all of the diagrams and model in UML right down through the contract and SSD (Sytem Sequence Diagrams) that are capable of interacting directly with LVOOP.

Did you look at Endevo's tools (UML modeller and GDS)? They have the ability to translate UML diagrams to LVOOP classes and vice versa and you might find out that they already do almost everything you want.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 21

Has anybody at NI ever tried to activate Lab View Professional Developer Suite on a network isolated system over the phone?


Has anybody at NI ever had to try to activate all the sub products of the LabView Developer Suite without a network connection?

Does anybody at NI know how long and frustrating this can be?  How many numeric buttons do you have to push on the phone to get all the modules, tool kits, and all the subcompontents of Dev Suite activated.  Then the phone computer responds with even more numbers to write down and then enter into the Licence Mangaler.


If one suffers through the process, then imagine how one feels when you happy activation goes away when "Something" changes your computer hardware ID.  Think of the fun one can have when your activation get taken away because you simply add or remove National Instruments product to or from your computer system.


How come you loose activation when you switch from AC power to battary power on a LapTop.  Thanks a lot National Instruments. 


How come when you take National Instruments PXI Cards out or you Chassis, this breaks your LabView Activation?  Thanks a lot National Instruments.  How come when you add NI PCI or PXI cards, this also breaks your LabView Activation?


How come when you add some of the PCI or PXI GPIB cards to your system do you loose your LabView Activation?  Thanks a lot National Instruments.


How come when your system goes in to sleep mode or hybernation mode, you loose your LabView Activation?


Every upgrade to LabVIEW makes it more painful to activate.

Why not spend some time on making activation reasonable.

Why not send us activation codes for our hardware when you ship our upgrades?


I currently have 7 copies of LabView Developer Suite on active support.  More and more often I keep asking myself why.


Why not just skip LabVIEW 9.0 or 2009 or whatever it is going to be called, and make some fixes to 8.6.

Why not just spend some time fixing bugs in the current version for the rest of 2009 and all of 2010.

Why not spend some time making sure all the modules and tool kits and LV and CVI and MeasStudio work and play well together?

Were still waiting for a Version of NI-SYNC that will install onto LV8.6.1


Anyway, to summarize, NI should itself skip NI week and work on Quality Testing and Customer Apprieciation.


Kind of like Apple skipping mac world, but for an entirely different reason.



Kevin's Disclaimer:  The variation in case usage, while referring to LabVIEW, should not be construed as disrespect, nor should it be interpreted as an indication of Kevin's LabVIEW programming skill or experience or knowlege.


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 21



Are you aware that you posted in (= hijacked) a thread about "Advanced LabVIEW sessions at NI week 2009", which seems completely unrelated to your post. Please start a new thread instead to keep things logically organized.


Since your gripe is about LabVIEW, the LabVIEW forum might be more suitable. The breakpoint is our social forum. 


Thanks! 🙂

Message Edited by altenbach on 03-24-2009 05:10 PM
Message 10 of 21