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BC LabVIEW User Group Future Topics and Activities

Fellow LabVIEW Developers,

I am opening this discussion to exchange our ideas regarding topics and activities you are looking forward to see in our future meetings.

Hope to see you all soon for the upcoming meeting this year! We will keep you posted.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 25

Thanks Michael for organizing.

I will do a presentation this evening at our BC LabVIEW User Group Meeting - "Text File Scripting using JKI State Machine™".

See you this evening at BCIT.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 25

Fellow LabVIEW Users,

I would like to make this discussion active so we can gather your ideas as early as possible. As Gurshan mentioned from out last meeting, you can post here all of the topics or any ideas that you think might be interesting to discuss about on our future meetings. We would really appreciate if you can present the topic that you suggested but you are not required to. Anybody can volunteer to present or we can ask somebody who is willing to.

Here are some of the Ideas:

1. Graphical User Interface (MP's Approach)

This is a presentation I created a couple of years ago and I find it useful after sharing it with my colleagues.

The main focus of this presentation is on the technicality of a UI (i.e. Its purpose, standardization, where to put what, alignment, basic things we usually forget to consider that has a great impact with your desing, etc.). This is not a guideline to create a fancy-looking UI but to create a decent and professionally-looking one instead.

2. Toddler's LVOOP

From the title itself, I would like to see a higher-level LVOOP presentation in BC LabVIEW User Group meeting. This would really help other developers that have not used it yet or have not used it frequently.

I have no idea how to discuss it in 30mins (I guess that's the challenge here).

3. Inter-Process Communication of Asynchronous VIs

There is a lot of available APIs (user event, FGV, queues, notifier, etc.) that we can use to communicate each VI but I think it would be helpful if we can share ideas what are the best approach for different scenarios.

4. LabVIEW Real-Time Application

It is also nice to have this discussion so we can have an idea or more ideas how LabVIEW behaves when running in a Real-Time operating system. This could also help others who are currently developing deterministic application.

5. Vision System

Again, here are my suggestions and you can also post yours or add description to some of the topics.

Please remember that volunteering yourself to present one of the topics is free of charge.




Michael Panganiban, Systems and Software Engineer

Synovus Solutions Inc. •   #514 - 55 Water Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 1A1

E:   •   P: 604-356-0003   •   C: 204-290-0915 •   F: 604-357-5323

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 25

Thanks again to all for attending the October event! Like Gurshan posted,I think that last month's meeting was a big success. It is nice to see such a large community of LabVIEW enthusiasts getting together. Even better, I've heard from a few attendees and other Alliance Partners that they are interested in participating and presenting other topics in the future. That is great news and I look forward to see some suggestions appearing here in the future!

For my part, I would be interested in presenting on the following topics:

  1. Custom probes and advanced debugging techniques
  2. Overcoming Queued message handler architecture biggest problem: Ensuring correct order of execution
    (this would present how/why to get from "JKI state machine" type architecture to "Top Level Baseline's" idea introduced by an NI engineer many year ago
  3. How to easily and quickly parallelize code execution using "daemons" and "clones".

These are a few ideas that I can see being useful for most developers of all skills and may generate very interesting discussions.

Hoewever, as Michael already presented for Synovus last month, I think that if would be nice to have a variety of presenters and I would gladly listen to other's topics (or feel free to present on these!) but I will leave these 3 options opened for the foreseeable future if we don't have enough initiatives on a given night!

I look forward to meeting you all again in the New Year.

Message 4 of 25

Happy new year to all!

Hope everyone is doing well. Let us start this year with another meeting.

We are aiming to conduct the next meeting this first quarter of the year. We are still finalizing the date and we will keep you posted.

For the meantime, I would like to know who are insterested in presenting. Again, volunteering yourself is free of charge.

You can have your own topic or choose among the suggested ones.

Do not hesitate to share your ideas and expectations with regards to the format of the meeting. This will be very helpful to have a better future meetings.

Best Wishes,


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 25

Thanks for looking after organizing another meeting.

I am willing to present a CompactRIO application if there is enough interest.

The application is an automated test rig for testing LNG pumps.

It covers the following topics:

     - Data acquisition on the cRIO

     - FPGA based safety alarms and shutdowns

     - Real Time state machine sequencing

     - TCP/IP data streaming

     - Remote Panel connection


Gordon Wright P.Eng.

Westport Innovations Inc.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 25


I'd like to propose a presentation describing an ice-penetrating radar (IPR) system that was developed in LabVIEW and used by several international academic institutions to study glaciers and ice-sheets. This case study will touch on the roving radar system as well as its autonomous, stationary implementation (Stationary IPR) and how LabvIEW can be used in rugged and power limited environments with both NI and third-party hardware (digitizers,GPS, satellite communication, microcontroller-based devices). 

Let me know if this is of interest.

Cheers, and best wishes for 2016..

Laurent Mingo, P.Eng

Blue System Integration Ltd,

NI Alliance

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 25

Hi Gordon,

Thank you for showing your interest in presenting for the next LVUG meeting.

CompactRIO applicaiton/project is definitely an interesting topic.

For our initial presentation guideline: (Including the feedbacks we got from our recent meeting on October 2015).

1. The presentation duration should take at least 20mins (30 mins maximum).

    We are aiming to have two presentations for our next meeting to have more time with the discussion after each presentation. This can be changed in the future and we are still gathering feedbacks to have a better format for future meetings. So worry not for those who are willing to present, we will be doing this more frequent this year.

2. If the presentation topic includes LabVIEW code (most likely), it would be nice to discuss at least the software architecture (at least the very basic if it involves intellectual property).

These are based from the feedbacks we had from our last meeting on Oct 2015. Feel free to share your ideas as well.

With Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 25

Hi Laurent,

I myself was not involved in any radar project before so I think this will be a presentation to share.

As mentioned from my recent post:

For our initial presentation guideline: (Including the feedbacks we got from our recent meeting on October 2015).

1. The presentation duration should take at least 20mins (30 mins maximum).

    We are aiming to have two presentations for our next meeting to have more time with the discussion after each presentation. This can be changed in the future and we are still gathering feedbacks to have a better format for future meetings. So worry not for those who are willing to present, we will be doing this more frequent this year.

2. If the presentation topic includes LabVIEW code (most likely), it would be nice to discuss at least the software architecture (at least the very basic if it involves intellectual property).

With Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 25

Thank you everyone (and NI for the food& drink) for participating to the user group meeting yesterday.


Laurent Mingo, P.Eng.

Blue System Integration Ltd., NI Alliance

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 25