CSLUG - Central South LabVIEW User Group (UK)

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Meeting 11th October 2016

Count me in!

James Mc
CLA and cRIO Fanatic
My writings on LabVIEW Development are at devs.wiresmithtech.com
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Message 21 of 40

Count me in too!


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Message 22 of 40

Hi Ed,

I couldn't find any preprepared slides here, but I've put a few slides together with a quick intro and a couple of demo's for interesting use cases. Maybe I could do my slides and then you could show the utility you've built? high-5's optional at the change over point



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Message 23 of 40

I will be there.


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Message 24 of 40

PNHorn wrote:

Hi Ed,

I couldn't find any preprepared slides here, but I've put a few slides together with a quick intro and a couple of demo's for interesting use cases. Maybe I could do my slides and then you could show the utility you've built? high-5's optional at the change over point



That sounds like some semblance of a plan.

Go team

Cheers, Ed

- Cheers, Ed
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Message 25 of 40

Hello all,

My name is Samantha and I would also like to attend this meeting. I am new to this user group, so I will first introduce myself:

I trained as an Electronics Engineer, took a doctorate in Bioengineering, then threw it all out, moved to the UK, and started working as a software engineer/manager in a London based company that designs and builds superconducting magnets and low temperature measurement systems.

I have been using LabVIEW for about 15 years but only recently had an epiphany and decided me and my team should actually start making ‘good’ code... We haven't really gone far though, so what better place to learn than the CSLUG?

I am a CLD and hope to attempt CLA within the next 6 months (mmm...a year maybe?).

I am looking forward to meeting everyone at my first meeting on the 11th.


Message 26 of 40

Hi All,

I would also like to attend, it will be my first meeting too so here is my intro:

My name is Sarah Fisher and I work at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Harwell. I am part of the DIagnostics section where we use PXI and cRIO systems to acquire data from the diagnostics monotors around the accelerator (beam loss, beam profile, beam position etc...).

We are situated at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory where I setup and run the RAL LabVIEW User Group Meetings.

I have been using LabVIEW since I started at the lab about 11 years ago and I have just passed my CLA exam 🙂

See you on the 11th.


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Message 27 of 40

Hi Steve I am to attend as well . cheers Matt

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Message 28 of 40

Welcome Sarah,

If you have no objections I'll cut and paste your intro into our intros section.

Congrats on your CLA, good job!


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Message 29 of 40

Welcome Samantha,

You won't be short of opinions about what constitutes good code!

As above I'll chuck your details in our intros bit (that way we don't have to spend half the meeting into'ing ourselves)

I think you should pick Sarahs brains about the CLA


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Message 30 of 40