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Certification Nugget: CLD - Certified LabVIEW Developer

@Hooovahh wrote:

@crossrulz wrote:

Not quite.  You are allowed to set up the environment before the exam.  No user libraries, but you can at least set up your QuickDrop shortcuts and some other preferences.

Right, I was hoping I could bring along my LabVIEW.ini but I was given 10 minutes to setup my machine, which was more than enough.  I setup my machine the best I could in the Tools >> Options, then went through and added all the common quick drop commands I could remember using.  No OpenG was a bummer because I'm so used to having them, but I didn't really need them.

Nice point guys.


The proctors WILL typically allow you some few minutes to set up the enviornment.  You cannot load anything from electronic media and you cannot have written notes or notes on media.  So,  one more tip from me!


Bring your A-Game:  

  • KNOW the Tools> Options Dialog inside and out  
  • Remember your customizations to the Design Patterns (You DO use File: New... exclusively right, Don't tell me you use File>New VI except for sandbox code)

 Being able to just slam though and configure MyLabview and knowing the IDE needed to restart for some options (Palette views and load options especially) gave me a serious edge on both my attempts.  Those little frustrations like Auto-tool getting in the way, where are my functions in this view, Oh Crud! the shipping VIT for PC (Events) exits the consumer on Queue destruction not a shut down command, ect.. can really add up and distract you while you need to focus on "Do" not "How to."  

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 48

@JÞB wrote:

@Hooovahh wrote:

@crossrulz wrote:

Not quite.  You are allowed to set up the environment before the exam.  No user libraries, but you can at least set up your QuickDrop shortcuts and some other preferences.

Right, I was hoping I could bring along my LabVIEW.ini but I was given 10 minutes to setup my machine, which was more than enough.  I setup my machine the best I could in the Tools >> Options, then went through and added all the common quick drop commands I could remember using.  No OpenG was a bummer because I'm so used to having them, but I didn't really need them.

Nice point guys.


The proctors WILL typically allow you some few minutes to set up the enviornment.  You cannot load anything from electronic media and you cannot have written notes or notes on media.  So,  one more tip from me!


Bring your A-Game:  

  • KNOW the Tools> Options Dialog inside and out  
  • Remember your customizations to the Design Patterns (You DO use File: New... exclusively right, Don't tell me you use File>New VI except for sandbox code)

 Being able to just slam though and configure MyLabview and knowing the IDE needed to restart for some options (Palette views and load options especially) gave me a serious edge on both my attempts.  Those little frustrations like Auto-tool getting in the way, where are my functions in this view, Oh Crud! the shipping VIT for PC (Events) exits the consumer on Queue destruction not a shut down command, ect.. can really add up and distract you while you need to focus on "Do" not "How to."  

It is important to note that you have to arrive before the exam time to set up the environment!

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 48

Thanks for leading the effort on this Jeff! I'm attaching a presentation we gave at the Minneapolis User Group Meeting a while back with background and exam prep tips for the CLD which should be useful in understanding the scope of the test.


To add onto the benefits of the CLD Jeff mentioned, as an NI Field Engineer, I work with plenty of managers looking for qualified LabVIEW developers. Having a CLD is great for job security, and if you're looking for work, you can effectively pick where you want to be. Even if they don't have a job officially open, they'll often make exceptions if a "free agent" CLD comes along.


<edit>forgot presentation

Message 13 of 48

I've got a couple of nitpicky questions.


  • I'm looking at the ATM example and they have a LV 8.6 VI to get started. The directions say:

    The front panel and associated controls for the application are provided to you in a folder hierarchy
    on the USB memory stick. You must maintain the folder hierarchy and use these components to
    develop your application. Solutions that do not use the hierarchy or the given components are not
    Do not rename the main VI or any of the provided controls. Solutions with renamed main VI or
    controls are not graded. You may use LabVIEW design patterns, templates, and examples available
    in the development environment as a guide/resource for the application development.

    Does that mean clicking File >> Create Project... is unacceptable, or that I should rename the newly created Main.vi to match the provided VI's name and copy and paste the front panel?
  • Is a LabVIEW Project file provided in more recent tests?
  • The documentation says to have "Labels on appropriate wires within the main VI and subVIs". What constitutes an appropriate wire?

Thanks for your help!

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 48

When I took it 15 months ago or so a project was not provided, just a main VI.  I did make a project and I think I just used auto populating folders.  I would not rename the main VI if I were you, it is possible that they used the VI name for some scanning process.  


I think the wire labels comment goes along the lines of making sure you document properly.  For me wire labels are rarely used, like maybe once or twice in a large project, but the most comment time I see them used is on block diagrams that are reallllllly wide and you may have wires stretched a long ways and adding a label can help.  Another might be if you perform some complicated math function and the output is used some where, you could label the wire of the output if it wasn't going to an indicator.  Just some way of identifying the data.  My CLD, and CLA had no wire labels.

Message 15 of 48

"Hooovahh" is correct.  I'll expand.  


You can use a project but this is optional.  Just keep the folder hierarchy in place within your project, use the folders (controls & subVIs in respective folders), and most importantly don't change names of provided controls and VI (main panel you'll use to build your main VI).  These requirement help us keep the grading process consistent and efficient.  Please help us help you!  


For Documentation on the exam, we use the VI analyzer to verify that you know how to use the tools.  As you program (leading up to your exam), get in the habit of labling wires as you go along in places where it will help you keep track of the data flow.  This will develop a good habit so you won't have to think about labelling wires during your exam.  


Best of luck as you prepare!

Certification Engineer
National Instruments Global Customer Education
Message 16 of 48

Thank you both, I think my question about renaming VIs was not clear. I do want the grader to have a VI with the same name they gave me, I was just wondering if the following was acceptable to get started quickly with a template:


  • Get given a VI called "ATM.vi"
  • Create a project from NI QMH template with main VI called "Main.vi"
  • Copy front panel from "ATM.vi" to "Main.vi".
  • Rename "ATM.vi" to "ATM_FP".vi
  • Rename "Main.vi" to "ATM.vi"

Alternatively, I could probably just copy the block diagram from "Main.vi" to "ATM.vi" and then delete "Main.vi".

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 48

I have one new question as well. Is it the same vesion of LabVIEW for all tests, or do I have to ask my proctor ahead of time what version it will be? Is the installed version just as if I had freshly installed LabVIEW on my computer? I make heavy use of the "remove" and "insert" quick drop commands.  Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 48

I think these many questions might be better suited in a new thread.  That being said I think the answer is, as long as the original front panel is used, and the original VI name is used, it shouldn't matter.  The latest version of LabVIEW is used so 2015, that's what I had on my CLA a few months back.  It will probably have several NI toolkits installed since these machines have a standard image that is also used for various training sessions.


@MrEF if you work for NI I'd suggest getting the blue member status above your avatar.

Message 19 of 48

Should work.  Basically we will "point" our grading process towards the VI that matches the name we sent out.  

Certification Engineer
National Instruments Global Customer Education
Message 20 of 48