Chicago LabVIEW User Group

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NI Week 2012 Videos

As Pormised at the User Group Meeting The Chicagoland users get first chance to download the videos I took at NI Week.

The avi files can be downloaded from our ftp site they range in size from 150 to 300MB.

I would strongly recomend using an ftp client to transfer them to your computer.

A web browser will work but if you want to download multiple viedos the ftp client makes things much eaiser.

My ftp client of choise is FileZilla and it is free.

FileZilla can be downloaded at

to access the videos goto

login: LabVIEW_Videos

pw: LabVIEW

login and password are case sensitive.

The video files are .avi and have been compressed using DivX

If you player isn't able to play the videos you will need to install

the free DivX codec found at

If you have any issues downloading the videos or you are unable to view them please post to this topic.

Enjoy, and hopfully the videos will help you learn something new about LabVIEW


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For those of you that are not familiar with ftp clients there is a great you tube video found at

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