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Automating CI/CD Installation on Test PC

Hi Team,


I've got my CI server (Jenkins) set up nicely and it returns build executables and installers. Now I want to take it to the next level.


I have another PC that is set up with barebones Windows 10, and I was wanting to automate installing the latest build onto this PC (ever on a successful Jenkins build, or nightly/weekly windows scheduled task). (So I can speed up user acceptance testing, and make sure the installed exe still works with all the connected hardware). 


Using the below command I'm able to uninstall the software

rem :: this batch file must be run as an administrator
wmic product where name="<name of software>" call uninstall

However, I've been unable to re-install a the msi installer (created from LabVIEW 2019 - via Jenkins).


I've been trying variants of this with no success

msiexec /i "<path of installer exe" /passive
rem :: "/passive" is used to show the user interface a progress bar, but have no user input.

I thought it would be pretty straightforward, but I'm having no luck. Could someone point me in the right direction?




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Solved - sorry, I have a bad habit of solving my own issues - but only after I've posted 😂


I don't know why I didn't try this earlier, but you can install your own build applications in the same way you would install NI software via a batch file.


rem :: Silent: setup /q /AcceptLicenses yes
rem :: Basic: setup /qb /AcceptLicenses yes 
rem :: Basic Full: setup /qf /AcceptLicenses yes
rem :: ------------------------------------------------------
rem :: Suppress final reboot: /r, /r:n 
rem :: Force final reboot: /r:f
rem :: ------------------------------------------------------
rem :: example script:
"<path to installer exe" /qb /AcceptLicenses yes /r:f
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