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Error code 14217 with LabVIEW CLI using the RunVIAnalyzer operation



I'm facing to an issue which is not documented. My target is to run a VIAnalyzer analysis from the command line.

At the end I will use the corporate CI tool in my company to batch it (probably Jenkins).


Find below the command line : 


c:\Workspace>LabVIEWCLI -LabVIEWPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\LabVIEW.exe" -OperationName RunVIAnalyzer -ConfigPath "c:\Workspace\MerciNI.viancfg" -ReportPath c:\Workspace\output.txt -ReportSaveType "ASCII"


And the output from the tool : 

LabVIEWCLI started logging in file: C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\lvtemporary_310102.log
Using LabVIEW: "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\LabVIEW.exe"
Connection established with LabVIEW at port number 3363.

Operation output:
Error Code : 14217
Error Message : >> >> >> >> >> NI_VIAnalyzerTKVIs.lvlib:VIAn Easy >> NI_VIAnalyzerTKVIs.lvlib:VIAn New

An error occurred while running the RunVIAnalyzer operation.

RunVIAnalyzer operation failed.


The operating system I work with is Windows10 x64. To avoid the kwown issue where the LabVIEW server is not found on the port number 3363, I run previously LabVIEW without project opened.


My concern is regarding the "error message" which is not understandable for me because I'm not confortable with LabVIEW code.


Comments advices proposals are welcomed.


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Message 1 of 4

NI send me right now a possible reason I will test immediatly, please have a look on the following link :


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Message 2 of 4

NI solution works!


Pay attention to build a viancfg file (Vi Analyzer configuration file) using the Vi Analyzer interface as follow : 

1- Tools->Vi Analyzer->Analyze VIs...

2-Start a new Vi Analyzer task->Next

3-Add top-level item->Select root folder or Vis->Open

4-Select tests to perform->Save->Close


Have fun!

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Message 3 of 4

You can open your *.viancfg file with a text editor.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>


If the tag <AnalyzeProject> contains a TRUE and there is no empty string under <ProjectPath> then you have a VI-Anlyzer Config which is project based and not directory based.

Which was in our case quiet useful as we where analyze FPGA Code. We the target Information the analyzer was able to correctly analyze those VIs. LabVIEW opens those FPGA directly from the directory in the Main Application Instance which means under Windows level. The Analyze some times fails and report a broken VIs.


Long story short, as long as you not need any target specific parts (e.g. normal Windows application) you can life probably very fine with the directory based viancfg.


The issues is not directly coming from the CLI Operation itself. It is more a lack of the VI-Analyzer API VIs which do not support project based viancfg configurations. If you are interested, the CLI Opration is stored under C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW CLI\Operations\RunVIAnalyzer


I hope those additional information help you for your next steps. If you need project based viacfg don’t forget to kudo the post on idea exchange Execute project-based cfg with VI Analyzer API.



Long story short, as long as you not need any target specific parts (e.g. normal Windows application) you can life probably very fine with the directory based viancfg.


The issues is not directly coming from the CLI Operation itself. It is more a lack of the VI-Analyzer API VIs which do not support project based viancfg configurations. If you are interested, the CLI Operation, you can look into the class VIs located under <C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW CLI\Operations\RunVIAnalyzer>


I hope those additional information help for you for your next steps. If you need project based VI-Analyzer config, don't forget to Kudo Execute project-based cfg with VI Analyzer API 


Kind regards,
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