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General Discussion/Questions about LabVIEW/Jenkins with the Batch File Build Process

Thanks Ryan.  I will give a try with Ching-Hwa's & yours suggestion in this week and get back to you guys.  🙂


Ajay MV

0 Kudos
Message 31 of 38

Hi Ryan,

I'm just getting started with Jenkins but have been using LabVIEW for many years.  I'm running into an issue that I just can't figure out.  I am trying to have Jenkins do a simple build.


What's happening is the following:

  1. I trigger the build and the source updates via SVN (no problems here).
  2. build.bat executes with no problems
  3. LabVIEWbuild.bat executes..  I see "Starting 2015 build..."  (I'm only doing a 2015 build) and it just stays there forever until I stop it.  I open Task Manager (Windows 10) and see LabVIEW running as a background process before I cancel the build, so I know LabVIEW is starting.

My autobuild.csv file contains only one line - the build spec.


The thing is, if I run the build.bat file from the command prompt, LabVIEW opens, the whole build completes successfully  with errorlevel = 0.  For it to work, I had to replace the Jenkins variables (like buildnumber) with a constant.


The error logs are showing me nothing...    any ideas of where to look or possibly some troubleshooting techniques?


Also...  thought I read somewhere that the pro version of VIPM is required, is this true?  I currently only have access to Community edition.





0 Kudos
Message 32 of 38

It seems i'm having the same problem as asuwish4. I tried to launch labview in a single line batchscript from jenkins but that also doens't work. 

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 38

Found the problem. After debugging the I noticed the project could not be saved because it is readlonly because we are using SVN.

0 Kudos
Message 35 of 38

Help I'm stumped!

Edit 7/24/2017

Do NOT help, I'm NO LONGER stumped!

I added two vi's and a ctl to the

I added them to the "include project.lvproj"

committed all to my Git branch

the problem?  if a build a 2012 build, then build a 2015 build, and try to rebuild the 2012, it fails.  My two new vi's and ctl have changed LabVIEW version to 2015, so it's no wonder that trying to start another 2012 build fails.

Of course I could work around this by having a revert of the \Autobuild directory happen automatically, but I'd like to fix it the proper way and get these files to be untouched like the others in the "include project.lvproj".  Any ideas how to do that?


Edit 7/24/2017

I found out that the difference between my new VI's and CTL and the others in the project is that the others in the project were set to "separate compiled code from source file" and mine were not.  Once I did this, no more errors building older version LabVIEW after newer versions!


BTW, if anyone is interested the two new vi's determine the build specification output locations so that the artifacts/derived objects/build output can be properly moved by the copy vi.  By default its only expecting them to be in \built.  This way I can use this batch process on any .lvproj we have without modifying the build specs.

0 Kudos
Message 36 of 38

Hi Ryan,


Two months back, we started LabVIEW Jenkins CI automation. Now currently we running into an issue.


What happening is the the following:

1. I trigger the build and the source update via AccuRev(No problem).

2.Build.bat executes, it is hanging there only until we abort. But it is working fine in the local server.

Yesterday we changed the Jenkins user account, after that it worked fine for two builds and then again the same above issue came back, it is hanging in Jenkins, but it working in the windows server.


I observed that, when I build locally in the server in the the task manager LabVIEW use 25% CPU and  10 lakh kb memory, but when I trigger throw Jenkins at one point CPU % went to 0 and memory is hanging 1 ***** digit KB.


It would be great, if you can help on this. we get stucked her. Please help us.


0 Kudos
Message 37 of 38

Hi asuwish4,


I am having the exact problem that you were having but a few years in the future. I am not only having this problem with the package as discussed in this thread but also when trying to use the Command Line Interface. It seems that it may be a problem with where we are trying to launch LabVIEW as outlined in the link you have provided as well as:


I wondered whether you found a specific solution to this?







0 Kudos
Message 38 of 38