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LV 22Q3 install fails in docker container

Hi all,


I'm having a bit of trouble installing LabVIEW 22 Q3 in a docker container. I attached the docker file I use, need to remove .txt. It seems to be running fine, but it always fails, when installing NI offline help viewer:


Downloading ni-offline-help-viewer_22.5.0.49178-0+f26_windows_x64.nipkg: Done
Installing ni-offline-help-viewer: Done
Error -125083: An error occurred while installing a package: ni-offline-help-viewer (

Additional error information:
Error -125441: The executable returned error '1' after running the custom execute command 'path='"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\netsh.exe"', arguments='advfirewall firewall add rule name="NI Offline Help Viewer" dir=in action=block program="C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\Offline Help Viewer\NIOfflineHelpViewer.exe"''.

Is this a known issue?

Is there a way of excluding certain packages?


Remember Cunningham's Law
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Message 1 of 3

@PeterFoerster wrote:

Hi all,


I'm having a bit of trouble installing LabVIEW 22 Q3 in a docker container. I attached the docker file I use, need to remove .txt. It seems to be running fine, but it always fails, when installing NI offline help viewer:


[code block with error that NI forums don't seem to like me quoting]


Is this a known issue?

I haven't seen it before, but the Offline Help Viewer is new to 2022 I think, and I haven't tried 2022 (2021 is the latest I've used for Docker).


@PeterFoerster wrote:

Is there a way of excluding certain packages?

See and in particular the "FakePackageCreator_ByName.ps1" and perhaps one of the Dockerfiles for usage. From there you could probably adapt it to just generate the package you want (changing things like "-versionPattern", and either the default package list (in the first file) or passing the package name you want explicitly).


For description of what's being done, I think I've written other forum posts, or there's a 40ish minute video describing some of this (and some other bits you wouldn't need) at GDevCon here:

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks! I'll look into them when I get a moment.


To be honest, I wrote this as more of a heads-up to NI and to see if it's just me.


It's a bit frustrating having to jump through all these hoops when you see how easy this is for other languages. The whole process of creating an image takes 10 minutes for a node.js project. I played around with this for a bit to see what's possible and it seems that LabVIEW on Docker is not quite there yet, because of things like this.

Remember Cunningham's Law
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