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ni packages not found at feed urls

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Hi all,


I'm trying to put together a LabVIEW install in a docker container. I've used some of the scripts provided in felipeoz's excellent repository. The problem I'm running into is when trying to install anything beyond the package manager. e.g. The Package Builder gives me:


EUpdating ni-package-manager-released cache... failed.
Updating ni-package-manager-eulas cache... failed.
Updating ni-package-builder-20-6-released cache... failed.
rror -125951: Failed to update one or more feeds:
The command 'cmd /S /C nipkg.exe feed-add --name=ni-package-builder-20-6-released &&    setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Package Builder"  &&    nipkg.exe update &&    nipkg.exe install --accept-eulas --yes ni-package-builder' returned a non-zero code: 4294841345



In the other thread about docker here, similar urls are mentioned and the link is the same as it appears in my ni package manager. Why can't I access these?


I don't know if that's supposed to work, but for the package manager download link, I can just put it in my browser and it downloads. For the others that fail, this doesn't work and it seems that neither /support/nipkg/products/ni-p/ nor /support/nipkg/products/ni-l exist.

Remember Cunningham's Law
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

I just tried to execute the commands that you specified manually in a docker container and had no issues. This error suggests that the nipkg.exe update command could not read the feed information for the specified URL. You could look at the %localappdata%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\Logs\errorlog.txt file to see if there is any more information. It might say something like: -125008: The feed URI 'http:\\pathtofeed' is invalid. You could shared what you find there with this thread.

Scott Richardson
Message 2 of 7

OK, I tried some more things:


I ran the command in a normal Win10 hyper V VM and it ran through.


I couldn't access the container after the command failed during the build. But I managed to build a container without the command and then ran it from the command line. It didn't work either. Here's the error log:

Base::StartInternal. Error code: -125095
Request type: 15
-125095: Failed to update all feeds.
File: source\nipkg_client\pkgclient\RepositoryTransaction.cpp
Line number: 487

Additional error information:
-125031: An error occurred while trying to download the feed: https://download.n
File: source\nipkg_client\pkgrepo\CachingStrategy.cpp
Line number: 481
-126003: The network is down, unreachable, or has been reset. (Could not resolve
File: source\nipkg_client\curlutils\CurlWrapper.cpp
Line number: 528
C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\National Instruments\NI Package Ma
File: source\nipkg_client\pkgrepo\CachingStrategy.cpp
Line number: 481
-126003: The network is down, unreachable, or has been reset. (Could not resolve
File: source\nipkg_client\curlutils\CurlWrapper.cpp
Line number: 528
-125031: An error occurred while trying to download the feed: https://download.n  
File: source\nipkg_client\pkgrepo\CachingStrategy.cpp
Line number: 481
-126003: The network is down, unreachable, or has been reset. (Could not resolve
File: source\nipkg_client\curlutils\CurlWrapper.cpp
Line number: 528

This would suggest I'm not connected to the internet. I'll have to figure out how to do that later, when I get a chance.

Remember Cunningham's Law
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

[Edit] Peter, I was going to ask what version you are using, but using 22.8 I was able to reproduce a similar higher-level  error such as "-125095: Failed to update all feeds." but a more detailed error in the file, so I will investigate if NIPM could somehow push the more detailed error to the console.

Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Originally, I was using 20.6, but I ran through it with 22.8 with the same result.


I also don't believe the network itself is the issue any longer, because I can ping both my router and google from within the container. This means I'm fresh out of ideas for now...

Remember Cunningham's Law
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
Accepted by PeterFoerster

@PeterFoerster wrote:

Originally, I was using 20.6, but I ran through it with 22.8 with the same result.


I also don't believe the network itself is the issue any longer, because I can ping both my router and google from within the container. This means I'm fresh out of ideas for now...

Can you ping ``? If not, perhaps your org has some 'clever' caching or similar, or a firewall/router configuration is somehow causing you problems in your containers (although I'd be a bit surprised, given I think the route will be <container> -> <host> -> < via host's internet connection> unless you've set up particular networking controls for your Docker engine.


You could also try the scripts here:

I also note that the README I wrote there (and had forgotten about since giving the presentation referencing these repos) has a section about basically the issue you're having.

The suggestion I gave there is to add a static DNS value for the Docker engine configuration. I don't remember if I had this issue myself, but for me to have written it in the README, I guess either I or one of the people I asked to test this did, and this solution worked for me or them...

Message 6 of 7

Thank you! Adding the DNS worked a treat.


I should qualify what I said earlier: When I said I could ping google, I was talking about the IP address. It wouldn't let me use the domain. Hence, fixing the DNS makes a lot of sense here.


It's also great to have another repository to look things up in. Thanks for providing it.
Felipe's Docker image, unfortunately, doesn't work anymore, because the windows password expired and I tried to piece together my own solution. Your repo helps a lot.

Remember Cunningham's Law
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7