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AOP5 get no Connection to ODS Server

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we are using Diadem and the AOP5 Plugin to connect to different ODS servers. We have a tool from the toolprovider "HighQSoft" called ASAM-Commander. With this tool we get connetion to all our ODS servers.

But when connecting via AOP5 the most local server in the network works sometimes, the connection to the Server in another subnet does not work. Diadem shows the following Message:





I checked the CORBA Ports with NETSTAT and got connected after this try.


The Logile doesn't show more infomation:


162  Der gewünschte Datenbestand "TestODS" konnte nicht geöffnet werden.
     (187): Error while initializing interface
163  19.03.2014 07:13:29 Fehler:Fehler bei dem Öffnen der Datenquelle "TestODS" vom Typ "AOP5".


Is it possible that there is something that blocks the connection in Diadem?


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Message 1 of 15

Ok as aditional Information I've tried with different ODS Models. It seems to work with the ASAM ODS Model 5.2.0 but not with 5.3.0.


Does the new AOP5 Plugin (11.1.1f5410) support the ODS Model 5.3.0?

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Message 2 of 15

There should be no restriction in model ...


Additional information can be found if you canfigure a log file in the advanced options or by using Microsofts DbgView.


Does the error log show additional Information?


Maybe the actual version of the AOP5 plugin can help too.


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Message 3 of 15

Hi AndreasK,


I'm using this plugin version. Thanks for the Hint with the extended Logging.

But there abut not so much Informations with the Error.


AOP5: Info(00): Try to receive Asam ODS Api 5.x AoFactory!
AOP5: Info(00): Try to connect session with parameter string 'user=hq_admin,password=*************'
AOP5: ERROR: Exception: AO_CONNECT_REFUSED (5): AO_CONNECT_REFUSED		The connection is refused.
File .\AoFactory.c, line 331
AOP5: ERROR: Exception in Initialize: Status(60=eInterfaceNoConnectionDa, 'AO_CONNECT_REFUSED: AO_CONNECT_REFUSED		The connection is refused.
File .\AoFactory.c, line 331')


Is the AoFactory.c a part of the AOP5 or of the Server?

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Message 4 of 15
AO_CONNECT_REFUSED (5): AO_CONNECT_REFUSED		The connection is refused.
File .\AoFactory.c, line 331

is returned by the server as error message. I would assume that either user or password is wrong.

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Message 5 of 15



I've double / tripple checked the user and password. 

And when I try to check if the Corba port is connected in the console via

netstat -ano 1 | findstr


I got back:



So I think the connection works so far.

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Message 6 of 15

There is no Problem with Corba etc.


DIAdem did successfully establish a connection to the ASAM ODS server but when trying to create a new session



the ASAM ODS Server himself raised



I have no Idea why he did it.

The ASAM ODS spec says:

* The connection was refused by the server. This error may occur if the
* presented authentication information is either incorrect or incomplete.
* This error shall not occur if the server does not accept any more
* sessions due to overload problems. See AO_SESSION_LIMIT_REACHED for
* this case.


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Message 7 of 15

Thanks for your support Andreas,


it seems to be a problem of the actual ODS Server Implemantation.




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Message 8 of 15

Hi AndreasK,


It seems to be a problem with the connection string. HighQSoft has changed the login with the newest version of the Avalon (ODS Server) the connection string is case sensitive.

currently used: 'user=hq_admin,password=*************'
but in the new version  'USER=hq_admin,PASSWORD=*************'

which is defined in the  ASAM ODS OOAPI  5.3.0





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Message 9 of 15

Is it possible to configure the connection String?

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Message 10 of 15