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Diadem 3D Model Annotation

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HI, I am using Labview and DIadem to test and grind out fault isolation of a complex engine system where I want to put the engine 3D Model into a display and highlight or annotate it for instruction to the operator for mainteneance and repair.  How should I do this for optimal design in these 2 products? 

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Message 1 of 6

Hi id,


You can color a specific section of the 3D CAD model by assigning high values to the data channels associated with mesh points on that section of the 3D CAD model.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 6

Brad thanks.  Is there any literature or place that you can point me to on this topic?

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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by id

Hi id,


Look at Exercise 7 in the following (older) DIAdem Hands-On Exercises.  I dropped that exercise in later versions, but the process hasn't changed since then.



Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 4 of 6

Hello Brad/Walter,


We are currently trying to visualize the emission distribution output of a catalyst. We are looking for a way to color the housing of the catalyst (the steel parts) in 1 color (f.e. Gray) and the catalyst (brick/substrate) should color depending on the outputs.


When I import the model in diadem it has all different colors (Even without any sensors assigned). (See picture 1).

I know that it is possible to assign high values to color the part in 1 color, since the complexity of the part I need about 1000 sensors to get it in one color.


In the Diadem example (the 3D-model of the foot and pressure) the foot is totally blue and the nails are white. At the nails no sensors are assigned but still they keep the white color.


I would like to know how this example is made and if I can use the same technique for my parts?

Walter Rick and Peter Schutte visitted DAF a few weeks ago, their tip to create a ring around the parts and assign the high values around this ring did't work since diadem interpolated the values. 


Hope to hear from you soon,


Thanks in Advance!





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Message 5 of 6

Hi Dennis,


I don't know what goes into the *.wrl model to paint the toenails white, but any coloring of the model will disappear if you use that part of the model to display the interpolated, measured sensor values projected on the model.  In the foot example, if you change the interpolation method from "2d distance" to "3d distance", the top of the foot also begins showing coloration, and at that point the white toenail color disappears.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 6 of 6