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How to delete a DAC block inside a sub-block by using script?



how can I delete a DAC block that’s inside a sub-block diagram using a script?


The command


call SCHEMELOAD("xxx")

call BlDel("yyy")


only deletes blocks that are in the highest level of the actually loaded block diagram, not blocks that are in a sub-block diagram. (DIAdem 2012)





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Message 1 of 4

Hi Eric,


There are just a view script commands to modify DAC blocks. They are mainly used to manipulate functions, scaling’s, channel names or similar block parameter. As I know is there no command to delete sub block




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Message 2 of 4

Hi Walter,


I don't need to delete a sub-block, I'd only like to delete blocks which are placed inside a sub-block.


All other commands I tried work for blocks no matter where they are inside a block diagram. For exaple: You can put a math formula block inside a sub-block wich is inside a sub-block which is inside a sub block and it does change the formula by script command.


But when using the command Bldel it deletes all blocks but not the ones inside a sub-block.


regards, Eric

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Message 3 of 4

Some news about that issue:


When the script is started by a desktop link like this:


"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\DIAdem 2012\DIADEM.exe" /CScriptStart('"Script_Pfad"')


it works! BlDel deletes blocks inside sub blocks.



But when it’s run by pressing „play“ in the opened DIAdem SCRIPT module it doesn’t work.


I tried it on several machines. Same result. Seems to be a bug in DIAdem 2012 SP1?

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Message 4 of 4