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Impossible to see channels when drag *.DAT file on Data Portal to open. (Attached the snapshot)

Impossible to see channels when drag *.DAT file on Data Portal to open. (Attached the snapshot)

Done uninstall and re-install already.

So, I have no choice except for "File-DAT Files-Insert Fron File:"

But it's too unhandy.

Please, help me! thank you for reading.


※ DIADEM 2015 bit & WINDOW7 64bit




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Message 1 of 3

Hi mobis4226,


Most of the time uninstalling and reinstalling DIAdem does not solve any problems.

Please can you provide this DAT file so that we can analyses the behavior?




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Message 2 of 3

Hi Mobis,


If I remember correctly, dragging a *.dat file into the Data Portal invokes a different DataPlugin ("DAT") than using the "DAT Files" menu you suggested ("DD8x", I believe).  It is likely that the particular *.dat file you are trying works with the "DD8x" DataPlugin but not with the "DAT" DataPlugin.  If you can post the offending *.dat file (plus its other *.r64, etc. binary files), that might give us a clue what's going amiss.  This will become important, because in later DIAdem versions both that "DAT Files" menu and the "DD8x" DataPlugin disappear, leaving you fully reliant on the "DAT" DataPlugin.  Now, the "DAT" DataPlugin works for just about everybody, so I don't want you to fear this transition.  But if you have a particular breed of *.dat file that our "DAT" DataPlugin doesn't read correctly, then we need to fix the DataPlugin before you upgrade your DIAdem version.


Brad Turpin

Senior Technical Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 3 of 3