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Script to auto zero channels in a TDM file with multiple channel groups

Hi friends,


I am trying to process some data but am having trouble modifying a script to autozero channels across multiple channel groups. The following script works to zero channels across one group. I use this script to process data in a TDM file with only one channel group. I need to be able to zero channels across multiple groups (5 groups). But the amount of groups I will have may change so I might need an option to enter the amount of groups or have the script determine the amount of groups in my TDM file. 


Here is the code I use to zero the data. Thanks in advance for your help!


Sub UserDlg_Select
USERDLGCAPTION="Auto Zero Channel Based on Specified Points "
USERDLGTXT(5)="Number of points to Average"
End Sub

Call UserDlg_Select()


For I= 1 To ChnNoMax 'For all data channels except time
T4=CHNNAME(I) 'Create string for Channel name (I)
T3=ChnDim(T4) 'Create text variable for channel dimension

STATSEL(6)="Yes" 'Arith mean
Call StatBlockCalc("Channel",T2,T4) 'Calculate Stats for Channel (I)

'Subtract Mean of first (T1) points for Channel (I)
Call FormulaCalc("Ch('temp1') := CH('"&T4&"') - statarithmean")
CHNCOMMENT("temp1")=("Channel zeroed over first "&T1)+"pts" 'Add Comment
ChnDim("temp1")=T3 'Add Dimension
CHNNAME("temp1")=T4+"-Z" 'Save updated data with -Z

'Delete Stat Channels
Call CHNDEL("ArithmeticMean")
Call CHNDEL("Sum")
Next 'End For loop


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Hi rvillalta319,


Sounds like you'll need to adapt your code to use both a for loop and some implementation of the GroupCount variable (or ChannelGroups.Count) as seen here:






Michael Keane
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

Hi villalta,


Here's what I'd recommend:


FOR Each Group In Data.Root.ChannelGroups
  FOR Each Channel In Group.Channels
    Call ChnOffset(Channel, Channel, CLng(T1), "mean value offset")
  NEXT ' Channel
NEXT ' Group


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 3 of 4

As a side note:

CODs (simple DIAdem dialogs, USERDLG...) were depricated with DIAdem 2012 and will no longer work with DIAdem 2015.

Please consider using SUDs instead.

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