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Using the Importing Data from Multiple DataPlugin Files and Concatenate it

Hi, again...Smiley LOL


I have been using the Importing Data from Multiple DataPlugin Files programm and first i should say THANKS !!!!!


Now my question:

- When the porgram is using a dataplugin and open, process and concatenate the data, what it do first ? bring the data already proccessed by the dataplugin and later concatenate it or bring all, concatenate it and later proccess ?


Why i ask :


- I have Mutiple CSV files with the same header line inside (different data of course) and the file name say from where come MST1, MST2...

- the file name have to the day of the data.

- I created a Dataplugin to filter and order (rename channels, etc) my data... and all works fine when i use to open multiple files...

- When i used it with concatenate data is doing really well just when i use data from the same MST1... the result is the concatenated data of the days...

- When i try it with more files MST1 and MST2, all the info is concatenated (repeated)  in one group.

- Diadem 10.2 and xchannel is the time.



- the programm just order in one group, so, what i want is not possible. ??

- load the data in order and later concatenate it, but how i use the concatenate group "alone" to take from the dataportal ?     

- no more ideas for that i'm writing in the forum...Smiley Frustrated


Any idea ?


Thanks in advance


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Message 1 of 4

Hello Rafael


Let me see if I've understood it.


Are MST1, MST2 ... the name of your files?


Do the problem happen just when you try to open MST1, MST2... files at the same time?


Can you send me your CSV files and your Datapluggin? Thus I can try to reproduce your error.


Plínio Costa

Applications Engineering

NI Brazil

Plínio Costa
Senior Techinical Support Engineer
National Instruments Brazil

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Message 2 of 4

Hi caracasnet,


The original script dates back before DIAdem had multiple groups, but I think there is already a mechanism in the current version of the application that you can use to accomplish what you want, albeit in several steps.  I'm going to suggest that you run the script once for each group in your data files.  You can tweak the script to do this automatically for each group in the first file, but for now just try it manually by changing the following line 10 in the script:


ChannelSet = "[2]/*"


This will restrict the channels loaded to those in group=2.  You can run this script once with "[1]/*" for group=1 and then a second time with "[2]/*" for group=2, etc.  If that works, then you can add on automatic saving of the concatenated data to a TDM file.  You could also add looping with error checking on to keep tring "[i]/*" until "i" gets bigger than the number of groups in the file.  You could also then load back in all the TDM files you had saved, one for each group, to see the full multi-group concatenated results.


Unfortunately I'm going to be unavailable to help with this for the next 3 weeks, but I will return and could help then.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 3 of 4
Hi Plinio and Brad,
Since Plinio answer I had been figure it out again what I wrote and witch problem was exactly, I just remembered that doesn't works for what I want and currently I using a different and unconfortable way to load the data.
Brad, thanks for your answer, it is something like that what I want. unfortunately I'm not able to tested in the next Weeks but I will fo for sure and reports the progress .
Thanks a lot.

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Message 4 of 4