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chnFind- To find the chnnel value

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Hi all,


According to DIadem Help, chd determines The first index specifies the channel row, the second index specifies the channel by the channel name or by the channel number.


for eg : ChnFind("Ch(2) > 300" ,250) searches from row 250 for a value > 300 and gives the row number in first column. Suppose answer is 4225 meaning in row 4225 we can find chnvalue > 300 in channel 2. 


But if i want to retrieve the 4th column value(instead of 1st column) as result depending on the 2nd channel condition, which command i can use? 


For more detail, 


I have attached a dat file and an incomplete script. 


All the details i have mentioned in the script only as comments.



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Accepted by topic author Rash.patel

Hi There,


well, you already now the Command: its Chd or Chdx (faster).

 Here I have your script:



Option Explicit  'Forces the explicit declaration of all the variables in a script.
Dim Row, FilePath
Dim intMyResult

Call Data.Root.Clear

Call DataFileLoad(AutoActPath&"C100225-1 CHEST.DAT","DAT","Load") '... DataFilename,FileImportFilter,ImportAction 

'differentiate these two channels
Call ChnDifferentiate("[1]/000000000000TI00","[1]/000000000000DS0D","/DifferentiatedX","/DifferentiatedY") '... XW,Y,E,E 

'search what is the value of differentiated Y channel at 300 mm in channel 2.
intMyResult = ChnFind("Ch(""C100225-1 CHEST/000000000000DS0D"")>300",250)

Call MsgBox (ChDx(intMyResult,4))

 When you run this code, you will get the value in Channel 4 in Row 6225. This only works if you want to get the same row (obviously 😉 )


Hope that helps, RMathews


Ramona Lombardo
Applications Engineer, NI Germany
Certified LabVIEW Developer
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