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How to set the linked palette for block diagram functions?

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Accepted by Thoric

All you need to do is create a palette with the right name at the path that VIPM will create the palette and save that in your class. Then delete the palette. The class will retain the path to the palette but it won't be broken if the palette is missing. When the palette is eventually built by VIPM, it should get picked up. Alternatively, you can use the VIPM options to set a post-install VI and then have that VI script into the class the new palette. I have attached a VI onto this post that can set or clear a class' palette. I've already submitted this VI to ship with LV 2014, but it works as far back as LV 8.6, although I honestly don't know what version the one I've just attached is saved in other than it comes from some shipping version of LV, probably LV 2012 or 13.

Message 11 of 15

Thanks Aristos, that's useful to know.

I did investigate the palettes that VIPM built but I saw that it had created over 90 mnu files in the "<LV>\menus\Categories" directory, whereas all other menus appear to be neatly built into their own folder trees. This spooked my OCD head a little, so I'm having a go at building my own palette. I'm addressing the "parent class with the private DVR type" changes first though...

Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 15

I would try what Aristos suggests, although not the ideal solution. It's a lot of work to figure out the palette stuff. Which is what VIPM tries to shield you from.

I would like to say though, that JKI is planning on adding the ability to create lvlib\class palettes from within VIPM in an intuitive way, very soon. But for now, you will have to create the palettes manualy.

Message 13 of 15

To be clear: You don't have to create the palette for my solution to work -- just create an empty palette with the same name in the same location, link the class to it and then delete that menu file. You won't get the palette in the dev environment, but it should show up once it is loaded and actually finds the palette after VIPM creates it.

Message 14 of 15

Thanks for the continued advice Aristos and Michael.

I've been off sick a few days, so haven't looked at this just yet, but I can see your suggestion has great merit and time/cost savings. I'll shall do it as you advise, afterall you guys know best

Much appreciated,


Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 15