Digital I/O

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How to use a NI9401 as a relay controller?

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I am very new at Lab-View and I would like to use the NI9401 digital output signal to activate my relay (which turns on a vacuum pump).  What generation mode do I use (1 sample on demand), and how would I trigger the module to put out the 5 volts and stop it manually? 

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Message 1 of 4

Hello Todd,


In this case, it sounds like you want on demand generation to turn on and off the output manually on the 9401. The best place to start if you are new to Labview is to look at the Labview example finder. You can add your device to the hardware list and display only examples that support your device. At the moment, I would recommend using the example highlighted in the image below. Please post again if you have additional questions about the example or application.


Example 9401.png



Eric Liauw
Senior AE Specialist - Automated Test | CLD | CTA
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

Hello Eric,


I checked out some examples and read through the "Getting Started with LabView", but for some reason just can't get past the NI 9401.  I will be using this to control 4 solid state relays and would like to use the front panel to control them.  I can add a constant to the block diagram "see attached file" and able to get my 5 volts out, but can't find a control for the front panel.  Am I misunderstanding something?  Thanks.



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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author Todd_in_Syracuse



To see a control on your front panel, you have to add a control to your block diagram. To do this, right click on your green boolean constant and select change to control. This will now allow you to control your DAQ Assistant from your front panel. I hope this helps.


Larry H.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4