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Need DLL for Windows 7 64bit

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I am using the USB-6501 to control an attenuator.  I have written the driver to work with WinXP, but now that I am trying to use it on Win 7 64 bit, it is causing an error.  At first it complained about not having C++ studio 2008 (we had 2010), and we have fixed that.  Now it seems to be complaining about the DLL.  I talked to NI, and they think that we need a different DLL for Win 7 64 bit.  Can anyone tell me where I can get the DLL?  Will it get installed in the System32 directory if I install the latest driver for Win 7?  Any help would greatly appreciated...





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Accepted by topic author Zot

I found the new version DLL (nicaiu.dll) in the System32 directory when I installed the updated driver for Win 7 64bit and copied over to my local directory.  I also copied the new nidaqmx.h file over to my local directory.  I am still getting the following error from MatLab:


Loading nicaiu.dll...

??? Error using ==> loadlibrary at 365

Failed to preprocess the input file.

 Output from preprocessor is:'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.



Error in ==> USB_6501_driver at 38

        funclist = loadlibrary('nicaiu.dll','nidaqmx.h','alias','myni');


Any help would be greatly appreciated.








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Created new thread with better explanation...

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