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USB-6251 Driver

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I'm trying to get a USB-6251 Multifunctional I/O unit to run on a new computer and I can't seem to find the driver.

I've got Labview 8.2 loaded with all the drivers it comes with and it doesn't seem to be there.

This is an older unit as it doesn't look anything like the one in the new catalog.

Any help is appreciated.

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Accepted by topic author TMac 5437

Hi TMac,


The USB-6251 works with our DAQmx driver and it sounds like that has not yet been installed on your system. You can check what version of the driver you have or even if it is installed through the Measurement and Automation Explorer by expanding the Software section. If the driver is installed it should show up in the listed software. You may only have the Traditional NI-DAQ driver installed at this point, so you should install the DAQmx Driver. (You can have both installed at the same time)


To install/upgrade your version of the DAQmx driver you can find a download from the DAQmx Product Support Page under Drivers and Updates. You will want to check to be sure that the version supports your OS when choosing a version to download.


DAQmx Product Support Page

Steve B

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