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usb 6525 default relay state

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When the NI USB-6525 is powered on the default state of the solid state relays is closed.  I am trying to use it to control a 4 position RF switch.  Obviously we don't want the four inputs to be turned on as this confuses the switch.


Is it possible to change the default state of the relays, so that when the device powers up the relays are all open rather than closed?

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Message 1 of 4
The default power on state is open, not closed and you can program the power on state. Have you bothered to read the manual.
Message 2 of 4


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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author SeanJ

Hi SeanJ,


Sorry for the delay on this--I just noticed this post while searching for customers who might have run into this issue.


As of DAQmx 8.9, Programmable Power-up States were added to the USB 6525.  However, the flash on these boards was not properly initialized to the "open" state, so adding the check for PPS caused boards to have a default PPS of "closed".  The workaround is to simply set the power-up states to their desired state.  This can be done through MAX as follows:







All boards that are currently shipping have their flash correctly initialized to the open state. 


To minimize the chances of this issue affecting anybody negatively during upgrades, we are also adding a check to the firmware loader in DAQmx 9.2.2 and later to initialize the flash if you are upgrading from a version of the driver without PPS.  If upgrading from a version of the driver with PPS, the power-up states will not be affected.



More information can be found here:

NI USB-6525 Programmable Power-Up State Behavior



I apologize for any inconvenience, please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.



Best Regards,

John Passiak
Message 4 of 4