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What is the correct firmware version for 2024 (imaging tool and documentation conflict)

What is the correct firmware version for the roboRIO 1 in 2024? says "roboRIO firmware must be at least v5.0 to work with the 2019 or later image. If your roboRIO is at least version 5.0 (as shown in the bottom left of the imaging tool) you do not need to update"



However, in my imaging tool I see a different format for the firmware. Is 23.5.0 equivalent to 5.0 or later? Should there be a 24 version (assuming that's the year)?





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We have a similar concern.  It seems that the newest firmware should be used 23.something. 


We did that on a RoboRIO1 and haven't had any issues.


However when we imaged a RoboRIO2 the firmware doesn't appear to be separately updatable, and the firmware appears to be 22.something.  We are having trouble with an ADI16470 gyro on the roboRIO2, it works fine on the roboRIO1.  (I'll submit a separate issue about the gyro.)


In case this is useful we are using Windows 10, latest update.  We did the offline install of LabVIEW and game tools.  The only update that was applied was for Package Manager which is required to load the REVlib for LabVIEW. 


It would be great to see:

1) Documentation be specific on what needs to be done, including indicating that firmware cannot be updated on the roboRIO2.  (My apologies if I missed something in the documentation.  Stuff happens in the fog of build season...)

2) A procedure on how to update the firmware separately on the roboRIO2, or confirmation it is impossible (especially if an update makes the gyro issues disappear).



Jim Simpson

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Message 2 of 3

It looks like our issue with the gyro (and with CTRE cancoders) may NOT be related to the image but rather related to needing to mass compile the project and related libraries.  I'll know more tonight after testing.  I had to mass compile twice to get all the issues to disappear. 


Sill matching documentation really helps.

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