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self calibration of NI PCI-6251 (M series) using the DDK

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I am new in this froum, and I started with the DDK two weeks ago, and so far I got most of the things that I need to work with the NI PCI-6251 (M series) DAQ board plugged into an Intel Dual Atom board D945GCLF2 running (Pure)Darwin 9.6 (build 9G55 -- this is not Mac OS X).

BTW: NI-DAQmx for Mac OS X utilizes a hell a lot of Apple's closed source frameworks and therefore it does not work on a strictly Open Source Darwin installation. That's the reason why I have to live with the functionality provided by the DDK.
I read the articles on calibration and I searched the NI discussion forum, and my understanding so far is, that self-calibration is possible using the DDK, but it is not that easy as with MAX.
First question:

   Is it really basically possible to get self-calibration of a PCI-6251 somehow to work using the DDK?


I read the article  about the sophisticated polynomial calibration scheme for the M series boards named NI-MCal, and the second question is:

   Is the NI-MCal routine implemented at the DAQ board and that does already most of the magic,
   or do I need to implement the whole NI-MCal sequence step-by-step by software by myself?

If YES (magic routine at the board)

   How can I utilize it using the DDK?

If NO (no magic routine at the DAQ board)

From said article I understood that the NI-MCal sequence works follows:

1. Linearity Correction
    a) measure the INL of the ADC by sweeping the on-board
        PWM based DAC through the entire range

    b) smoothing and curve fitting to a third order polynomial

    c) interpolation

2. Offset and Gain Calibration (to be repeated for each ADC range)
    a) measure the offset based on the corrected INL against
        the on-board ground reference.

    b) for the 10 V range use the on-board voltage reference as is,
        for the other ranges, use the onboard PWM DAC is used in conjunction
        with the calibrated 10 V range to generate precise voltage references

    c) measure the slope based on the corrected INL against
        the on-board voltage reference.

3. Store the calibration coefficients for later use

Final questions:
for 1.a) Is there somewhere an example on how to measure the INL using the PWM-DAC?
for 2.a) Is there somewhere an example on how to direct the ground reference into AI0?
for 2.b) Is there somewhere an example on how to combine the PWM-DAC with the
         calibrated 10 V range to generate precise voltage references for the other ranges?
for 2.c) Is there somewhere an example on how to direct the on-board voltage reference into AI0?

I won't have difficulties to get 1.b-c and 3. straight.

Many thanks in advance for any helpful response.

Best regards

Dr. Rolf Jansen

Message Edited by rolfheinrich on 03-12-2009 05:15 PM
Message Edited by rolfheinrich on 03-12-2009 05:16 PM
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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author rolfheinrich

I found out everything by myself.


- Yes, self-calibration of NI PCI-6251 is possible with the DDK,

   and I have a working implementation for Darwin on said

   Intel Dual Core Atom board D945GCLF2


- No, there is no magic routine at the board. Everything has

  to be done step by step by software.


1a) use AI_Config_FIFO_Bypass to select the calibration source 5







      and pass tMSeries::tAI_Config_FIFO_Data::kAI_Config_Channel_TypeCalibration to aiConfigureChannel()


      and set the PWM High/Low_Time (below code sets the PWM-CalDAC to +7.5 V)






 2a)  use AI_Config_FIFO_Bypass to select the calibration source 1 (see code above)


 2b)  for calibrating the +/- 5 V range, set(Low/High)_Time to 128 / 64 (ca. 3.3 V),

        and measure the exact value with the calibrated 10 V range,

        then use this exact value as reference for the 5V range


 2c)  use AI_Config_FIFO_Bypass to select the calibration source 2 (see code above)



BTW: A calibration sweep of the PWM-CalDACs from - 10 to +10 V showed that the characteristics of the ADC at my NI PCI-6251 is almost linear, this was already suggested by the 2nd and 3rd order calibration constants (3.97e-11, 5.89e-15), that I found in the EEPROM of my board. As a matter of fact, the simulated deviation from the ideal straight line is only ±0.6 LSB at a reading of ±FS. Furthermore, a simulation with the calibration constants that I found in the EEPROM do not fit well to the results of said calibration sweep (see the 2 curves that are attached to this message).


Best regards


Dr. Rolf Jansen

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Message 2 of 6
I want to make my self calibration routine for the NI PCI-6251 more sophisticated and I made some more experiments with the settings of the AI_Config_FIFO_Bypass register. From this I already can unambiguously relate some values for AI_Bypass_Cal_Sel_Neg and AI_Bypass_Cal_Sel_Pos to physical signal sources.
Here comes, what I found out so far for the assignments for AI_Bypass_Cal_Sel_Pos/Neg to the signal sources
0 ground ? AI or AO
1 ground ? AI or AO
2 internal reference ca. 7 V
3 calibration source low ca. 0.5 V
4 calibration source mid ca. 2 V
5 calibration source high ca. 10 V
6 ground ? AI or AO
7 AOx where x depends on the value of AO_Bypass_AO_Cal_Sel
The voltages of the signals 3, 4, and 5 can be modified by the relation of High_Time to Low_Time in the Cal_PWM register.
0 ground ? AI or AO
1 ground ? AI or AO
2 temperature sensor ? ca. 1 V
3 AI0 ?
4 AI8 ?
5 ground ? AI or AO
6 ground ? AI or AO
7 calibration source high ca. 10 V
As you can see from the question marks, I have still some doubts, and perhaps somebody can enlighten me.
Many thanks in advance for any helpful response.
Best regards
Dr. Rolf Jansen
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Message 3 of 6
Hi Rolf,

After a lot of digging and a lucky stumble, I found some more information for you.

0    (SCXI)
1    (SCXI)
2    correct
3    correct
4    correct
5    correct
6    AI Ground
7    correct

0    (SCXI)
1    (SCXI)
2    correct
3    AI Sense
4    AI Sense2
5    AO Ground
6    AI Ground
7    correct
Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Principal Software Engineer :: Configuration Based Software
Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group (until May 2018)
Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)
Message 4 of 6

Hi Joe,


many thanks for the helpful information. With that I corrected already the calibration module of my program, because I assumed wrong selectors for AI Ground and AO Ground. Although the calibration did not show any significant change, I feel better now by using confirmed selectors.


By the way, I found out the relationship between the voltage reading of the internal Tsensor and the actual temperature in °C. For this I used MAX at a PC and during the warm-up phase of the DAQ-board, I noted down the voltage reading of the Tsensor from the test panel and correlated this to the displayed temperature.


A linear regression resulted almost exactly in:


     T(°C) = 100*abs(TsensorVoltage) - 50


Best regards




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Message 5 of 6

i am new to the labVIEW can any one help me how to generate a sequence using PCI6251. for example sequence should be the line should be 1 for 10us, 0 for 20us and 1 for 5us then it should go to zero.

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Message 6 of 6