Example Code

LabWindows/CVI Tip: Customizing Colors in the Source Code Editor

Customizing Colors in the Source Code Editor

The colors used in the CVI source editor can be customized to your preference using the Options >> Colors menu item. CVI stores this customization in the HKCU\Software\National Instruments\CVI/[version]\ColorPreferences registry key - so if you want to share your customization or use the same colors on multiple machines, then you can do so by exporting and importing this key.

Nowadays, I prefer a dark color scheme, and so customized my CVI 8.5 installation. I am attaching my customization in case anyone wants to check it out. This may be a good thread in which to share other interesting colorschemes for the CVI source editor.

If you are using system colors in the CVI source editor, you must turn it off before customizing the colors manually or by importing reg scripts. You can turn this off in the Options >> Colors dialog. Also, if you turned off 'Syntax Coloring' in the Options menu you should turn this on before customizing. If you are customizing by importing the reg file, then you should make these changes in CVI, exit CVI, run the reg file, and then restart CVI. I am attaching another reg file that makes these changes in addition to customizing the colors - you still need to make sure CVI is not running when you import this reg file.

mohan_cvi85_dark_colors.zip (1 kb)

Submitted by Mohan

Original forum post: http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=180&message.id=33941#M33941

Wendy L
LabWindows/CVI Developer Newsletter

Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.


Thank you so much for sharing. You saved me a ton of time.

For people that don't have this version of LabWindows, simply navigate to the registry entry that fits your version, export it, then do a comparison to see exactly what version number you should be using. This will also double as your backup copy if you want to revert to standard colors.
