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Example Code

Shared Variable Alarm Monitor for (DSC)

Code and Documents




You must have DSC to run this example


Functional Description

This VI monitors the HI, HiHi, Lo, LoLo. and Rate of Change Alarm for a given Shared Variable. This VI was created for debugging purposes, for tweaking the values for the Rate of Change Alarm. In this Particular application I wanted to watch for when the shared variable "flatlined"


First start "Shr Var Server" this will generate data for your shared var for debugging purposes, you can close this VI once you have your shared varibale connect to the propper source. The VI Custom ROC tool, will let you monitor all of the stardard Alarms for a shared Varible, and tweak the value and time values for the Rate of Change Alarm. The flatline value indicates when the Shared Varible value does not change X percent within Y ms; it is the boolean oposite of the Rate of Change alarm.



Steps to Configure

1. Set the Shared Variable on the "Custom ROC tool". This list is an array,

2. Change the Known Alram List to reflect the Computer Name, Library and Shared Varible being used.



Caveats and Additional Notes

This Alarm monitoring feature is only avaible with the LabVIEW Datalogging ans Suporvisory Control Module (DSC).

Shr Var ROC tweaker.PNG

Shr Var ROC tweaker BD.PNG


Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.


After downloading the project 

first i  Change the Known Alram List to reflect the Computer Name, Library and Shared Varible being used.

then run program VIs

this error appear

Error -1967362038 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in Custom ROC

i don't know what is the problem