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Help!! The labview won't activate!

I have installed this Labview that we got in our KoP. When I go to activate it I get an error saying the code does not go with the product. I do own a 2009 that is on the same computer. Could there be a conflict between the two. The classmate laptop we got as a rookie team has crashed. I had given it to a retired instructor from my college. He said he will have to try to reinstall everything from scratch. Where do I need to go to get the license for the os?

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Message 1 of 5

The correct activation code is not one of the numbers on the DVD envelope.

You'll find the code on a small card inside the envelope, and in the installation instructions:

The license code you should be using is S14X86763

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Message 2 of 5

Is this the licence code for the Labview or the Operating System and was it installed with Windows xp or 7. My computer man said he could not find on the laptop what was installled. I was not their coach on their rookie year and do not know what they received. I just looked at your link and this is the serial number. The number I was sent in an email from NI to activate it is a 20 digit code and it will not work. Is it because I have the Labveiw 2009 on the same computer? The 2009 will not open and work either so now not only can we not program our robot but I can not work on the class that I am teaching. UGH!!!

Thanks for your help.

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Message 3 of 5

The code I gave above is to activate the FRC LabVIEW licenses for 2013.

Go to Start -> All Programs and look under National Instruments for the NI License Manager , then LabVIEW 2012 to activate your FRC products for 2013.

The PC must be connected to the Internet to activate.

You can have a separate LabVIEW 2009 installation without interference.

That will have separate activation iaaues.

If you installed a new Classmate image then the Operating System activation can be done automatically the next time you are connected to the Internet.

No separate code is required for that.

Do be sure to install the separate FRC Updates:

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Message 4 of 5

Ok thank you very much. I will let the computer guy know and will try this when I get home from work today. I will let you know how it works. Thank you again for your help.

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Message 5 of 5