FIRST Tech Challenge Discussions

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i am a MSc student in power electronics.and i want to use usb ni6009 board to control my projects(converters,motor drives and...)but now i have some questions:

1-if i use all analog outputs does it have any impacts on output frequency of each output?(does it reduce the output frequency of each output?)

2-is it possible to control a power converter with labview?

i really need to know the answer of these questions please help me.

yours truly

ali mollaghasemi

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Message 1 of 3


The forums here are designed to be used for students taking place in the FIRST Tech Challenge competition held annually.  They'll be focused on either the Lego NXT controller or in recent years the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor.

For your questions, you'll want to use the forums linked above.  These are the MultifunctionDAQ forums that correspond with the USB-6009 you're looking at.

Message 2 of 3

thanks dude

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Message 3 of 3