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Date and Time format



I'm pleased to see that the date format can now be altered away from the US format, so I can now see the date presented as day/month/year. But how about allowing the same for time, so that I can see, say 16:23 instead of a strange-looking (to me) 04:23 PM. The facilities already exist to o it. I can set the date format to dd/MM/yy HH:mm and get what I'd expect, BUT with the US-fomat time tagged on the end. 


So all it needs is to rename the date format as date/time format (and append a default time format into the parameter) and remove the current display of the time.


This would make the posts more readable to those of us who are not in North America.




Message 1 of 8

Hi Rod,


This is something I have suggested to Lithium (our forum vendor) a number of times.  I'll make sure to mention it again.



Web Support & Operations
National Instruments


(Edit: Actually, now that I look closer I do think there are plans to update the time format as well. I don't have a date for our community yet though)

Message Edited by Laura F. on 08-05-2009 09:17 AM
Message 2 of 8

Laura F. wrote:

Hi Rod,


This is something I have suggested to Lithium (our forum vendor) a number of times...... 


.....there are plans to update the time format as well. I don't have a date for our community yet though)

Thanks for that Laura. It does seem tantalisingly close to being done; hope Lithium comes up with the answer soon. Maybe they'll get fed up with you asking them and do it for some peace. I promise I won't ask YOU again!





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

I know I promised but, I'm still waiting on this one.


Well, eight years on and still no apparant means of setting it to display the time properly.


I realise that this is probably low priority, but do you now have a timescale for implementing this bug fix? 


I suppose a supplementary question is, do you intend to implement this fix?




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Hello Rod42,


Unfortunately, that functionality does not exist within the platform. This has been raised as a request to Lithium in the past. The only configurable options are date display formats at this moment.

We understand the importance this has for you, we will follow up with our community provider again in regards to this.


Best Regards,
Karina Barles

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8



Another few months have passed, and I an wondering what the answer from Lithium was. I strongly suspect that they have no intention to do anything at all to fix this shortcoming, as it would surely have been done by now if it was in their plans. I would love to be proved to be wrong, and for Lithium to show that they are responsive to users outside the USA.




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi Rod,


Unfortunately, we do not have an update on this request.




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Hello Lili,


Thank you for your quick reply.


It is unfortunate that Lithium has not responded to your enquiry.  




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Message 8 of 8