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Feature requests

I know that the pop-up blocker in IE allows you to create exceptions, which is what I did the first this site had a pop-up. Since then it has worked fine.

Molly, here's another question. I don't know how many people use the bookmarks (I suspect most people don't even know they exist), so this may not be worth it, but I would like them to be more intelligent. It would be nice if I could create categories, for instance, the same as I have in my favorites menu (and don't ask why I don't use the favorites menu instead. That's the regular web-based vs. computer-based discussion). This is not a high-priority request, but I do have at the moment 37 bookmarks I'm keeping for good and the more there are the harder it is to find what you want. Most of the time I don't use them at all, which is why they don't bother me.

All this is part of a more general direction - I would like to see the site being able to support a user without any external help - no favorites menus, no email and so on. I would like it if I could subscribe to something and see the results only inside the site, not in my email. Then, the threads I do go over will be removed from the list and so on. I realize this is not necessarily the trend, but it's what I'd like to see, at least as an option.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 21 of 25

tst -

Categorizing bookmarks is an interesting idea.  It will most likely fall in line behind getting them sorted in a different order, but I will put it on the list.


Molly K.
Web Support & Operations Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 22 of 25

@altenbach wrote:
(2) Tracker sorting
There is still no easy way to sort the tracker page by activity.
If I come here in the morning, I am always most interested in my threads that had activity, so I look for bold entries. The problem occurs if somebody replies to a thread that is relatively old, it will be on page 20 and I'll never find it. And If I don't recognize the title, I might miss it in the regular forum too unless I really focus on the thread icons. Suggestion (again!): Please sort the tracker page by last activity in the thread and not by the dates of my posts. All bold entries nust be on top of the list!

Reviving an old thread that still needs to be discussed!


So why is tthis still not implemented?


As a curious side note, the same page of the mobile version of the forum actually sorts these threads by last activity (!!), automatically having all bolded threads on top of the list. Obviously, the page code is aready present, it simply need to also be migrated to the full (i.e. non-mobile) version. Please!!


(For example I recently got an important reply to a very old thread. The only reason I found it was that I checked the list with the mobile version. In the full version is was buried hundreds of pages down)

Message 23 of 25

@altenbach wrote:

@altenbach wrote:
(2) Tracker sorting
There is still no easy way to sort the tracker page by activity.

So why is tthis still not implemented?

Because we've only been saying it's the most desirable feature for the regulars for the past 9 years or so. You probably have to give it at least three decades to sink in.


Of course, I don't think that this should be hidden in the tracker page. It should be something that's a visible module in the main forums page and possibly linked to from other places, just like the PM icon.

Try to take over the world!
Message 24 of 25

I am actually not sure what the mobile version is doing, because not all bold threads are on top in the tracker, except maye right after login. In any case, old threads with new activity are typically near the top of the list in the mobile version, but not here in the full version.

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Message 25 of 25