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goto page....button

Not sure where this posting should go...but at the risk of raising the ire of the pedants.....


The Labview board has something like 3000 pages of posts. Trolling through these to go to a particluar page is painful.


Is there?...or could there be?...a simple "goto page...." button, which will take you straight to that page.


I've searched for one but can't find one.

Message 1 of 15

You would want to put it in the feedback board ( so the admin can see it and pass it on to the developers.


As for a workaround, you can type the page number as part of the URL. The structure is clearly visible when you look at the URL.


A side question would be what the advantage of going to a specific page is. Unless you know exactly what's on that page, the only things you will gain are some random threads and knowing which date you're in.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15

@rayclout wrote:

Not sure where this posting should go...but at the risk of raising the ire of the pedants.....


The Labview board has something like 3000 pages of posts. Trolling through these to go to a particluar page is painful.


Is there?...or could there be?...a simple "goto page...." button, which will take you straight to that page.


I've searched for one but can't find one.

What exactly where you looking to find? I have read about 2900 of those pages, so maybe I can offer a hint.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 3 of 15

Way overdue feature, with sorting of threads/lists by different criteria, etc, all requests which unfortunately are not in the hands of NI but of Lithium, the company whose "social software tears down the walls between companies and customers by providing a vibrant destination for passionate, engaged, loyal brand fans."


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 15

Why is this feature overdue? I don't see the point of going to a specific page now any more than I did 5 years ago (and you can do it with the URL if you want).


As for sorting, what kind of sorting would you expect and where? The search results page allows sorting by a few criteria. I can't say I'm overly impressed with how it handles it (and with the actual search results), but it is there.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15

Let me explain.

I have 96 pages of posts (with 10 posts per page). If I want to jump to page 50 (way back in the past), I need to repeatedly click on the last offered page, of which only a handful are offered:


Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 10.37.58.png

Each time I do so, the browser redisplays the page in a way that offsets the "Next" button with respect to where my mouse was when I last clicked.

Which means that I have to reposition my mouse before I can click again.

Repeat 47 times.

Is that clear enough?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 15

Yes, but as tst already said, you can simply substitute the new page number in the URL itself. Works fine for me.


A more serious bug is the fact that embedded URLs to certain posts of a thread contain a page number. Since I customized my view to show more posts per page, I often land on a page that shows no posts at all. 😞 I am not sure what the default is, but for example if  the default is 20 posts per page, and I have it set for 30, post ~200 will be on page 10, but in my layout there is no page 10 so I get an empty page.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

This is a temporary workaround, not an answer from NI to user request. Moreover, my browser's address bar is not long enough for me to so this simply repeatedly. I was simply addressing tst's question as to why I would care to jump to a specific page. What business of his is that anyway? JK.


Regarding sorting, here are the column headings I can see:


Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 12.41.09.png


I can not sort by Subject, Author, Kudos, Latest Post, Replies or New.

I probably should have written, I cannot SORT the posts at all.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 15

Hi everyone,


A few different issues have come up in this topic which I'll try to address --


1. Jump to page dropdown menu -- I understand the what, but not sure of the why. Is this just for casually browsing back in the past? Regardless, I asked Lithium for an update on this type of feature.


2.  Page links not taking into account your custom display settings -- I wouldn't call this a bug, as it is functioning as intended (it does take you to the page), just not functioning very well. I can look into this to see if there's any enhancement requests. Ideally, users would link to individual posts in a topic rather than to a page. By the way, there are 30 topics per board page and 10 posts per topic page by default.


3. Sorting topics on a board page -- I have had a request for this same feature for a while. Unfortunately, it does not appear to be a popular one, seemingly because any kind of sorting you could do with the filters in the search. Also, the performance would be terrible to sort through the large amount of topics within one board.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15

Looking at other lithium forums (e.g. verizon), none have that direct page jump control. I guess Lithium simply needs to implement it.

@LiliMcDonald wrote:


2.  Page links not taking into account your custom display settings -- I wouldn't call this a bug, as it is functioning as intended (it does take you to the page), just not functioning very well. I can look into this to see if there's any enhancement requests. Ideally, users would link to individual posts in a topic rather than to a page. By the way, there are 30 topics per board page and 10 posts per topic page by default.


Sorry about polluting the existing thread with a somewhat different issue. Yes, I have it set to 30 (i.e. 3x the default) posts per topic because that way I can more quickly browse over old long threads. The site should recognize if there is a mismatch between post number and page number and ignore the page number in these cases. Currently, it ignores the post number and blindly uses the page number instead, often leading to a blank page for me.

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Message 10 of 15