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Multiple Instances



I'm wondering if there is any way to run multiple instances of flexlogger. If I have 3 DAQ chassis running multi-day tests, I currently have to use 3 computers as well. Is it possible to just use one?


Will this be a feature that could be included in future versions? 



Message 1 of 5

FlexLogger can't currently run multiple instances on a single PC to run three different tests with one chassis each. Today, this would lead to resource conflicts between the separate instances of FlexLogger. (Note that a single FlexLogger project can run a test acquiring data from three different chassis at the same time.)


Today, your best options is to use three PCs to control the three tests. We are always glad to get feedback on important use cases. I don't have any news to share today about multi-head testing capabilities in FlexLogger, but we are regularly updating FlexLogger with new features that allow you to solve more problems more quickly and easily.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

I see it has been a couple of years since this was posted, but I have a similar question that may have already been addressed with one of the updates.


I have a PXIe chassis with 5 32-input cards installed. Three of them are wired into one thermal chamber, and the other two are wired into a separate thermal chamber. I have one computer with the trial version of Flexlogger, 2021 R3, installed. I would like to run two tests, one in each chamber, that overlap each other in time. Doing this would require more than one test running in Flexlogger. I can create and start one test in one chamber. However, when I try to create a second test for the other chamber, Flexlogger wants to stop my first test.


Can the latest trial version of Flexlogger run two simultaneous tests?


Can the full, purchased version of Flexlogger do this?


Any help is appreciated.

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Message 3 of 5

Currently only a single instance of FlexLogger can run at a time, but as mentioned earlier the single instance could log data from all your devices. If you want to configure separate tests to run, a single machine cannot currently run concurrent instances of FlexLogger, so you would need two machines, each running their own FlexLogger.


Sorry no new updates on this topic.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hello 🙂


Are there any updates on this topic?


I have a similar problem: I have a one machine with FlexLogger and installed several machines. I have a problem, when I want to do power measurement in parallel in 2 or 3 platforms and I have to wait for test session ending (like a queuing system).




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Message 5 of 5