Forum Italiano sui Prodotti NI

Visualizzazione dei risultati per 
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onda carriera 480kHz modulata in 2Hz

Buongiorno, sono un utente nuovissimo e parto da zero,


volevo chiedervi a voi più esperti di me, come posso creare un onda di ampiezza 10/15V con una onda carriera di 400khz modulata in frequenza 2 Hz..


vi ringrazio moltissimo per la vostra attenzione.

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It is important to know what hardware you are going to use?

Or you want to simulate mathematical part only in LabVIEW?

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previously thank you for your replay, I would simulate mathematical part only in LabVIEW.


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I recommend you to get familiar with LabVIEW example Roughness and Fluctuation Strength (Simulated).vi.

There you may find a subVI which does the modulation.


Additionally, there is another example for FM modulation which visualization part is very good an may be used as template for AM modulation.

Below you may see those example VIs in the NI Example Finder and amplitude modulation subVI.


Additionally, which is important, remember to save a copy of an example before modifying to not loose them.



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Thank you so much!

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