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LabVIEW 2020 Interfaces

Dear all,


LV2020 was just released with the introduction of native interfaces. Is there any work planned for the G# library to adopt LV native interfaces?


Best regards



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Message 1 of 3

HI Andrea,


Yes, we have started planning for this.There was supposed to be a nice presentation on LabVIEW Interfaces on the CLA Summit i Budapest that was cancelled, but you will probably find a new G# release within the last weeks. As always, it is always difficult with backward compability with new features in LabVIEW, but G# has been quite stable for a time now. We probably going to support two versions for a while, one for LV2020 with interfaces and the "old" one. I would like to make a maintenance release of this as well. There are a few minor fixes that we want to release.


Best regards,

Mattias Ericsson


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Message 2 of 3



G# Framework 2.0.0 has now been released and has support for native LabVIEW 2020 interfaces.



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