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Possible bugs in property creation

Hello everybody

The first bug that I seem to have found appears when the first implementable property is already implemented, then if one selects a yet to be implemented property the interface "rememebers" the previous state and tells that the property is already implemented, thus preventing creation. This can be worked around by selecting another unimplemented poperty (now the interface correctly says it's noy yet implemented) and selecting back the property one wants to implement. This work around clearly doesn't work anymore when there is only one property left to be implemented.

The second one has to do with the implementation of a porperty corresponding to an attribute whose name contains characters not allowed in file names. When one tries to implement such a property, the propery name rightfully has the not allowed character stripped out, but in the block diagram the DVR box has the wrong attribute selected. This can be annoying since the resulting access method is broken and this "brokenness" propagate to the whole class. If you are not attentive anough you miss the step that broke the class and then it's difficult to trace back the cause.

I hope I managed to be clear enough and that the behaviors above are not just result of some mistake on my side.


Andrea Vaccaro

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4


I will have a look at it and fix it.



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Message 2 of 4


I've fixed the bug. It will be included in the next release. For now, you can replace the following VI in:

<LabVIEW installation path>\resource\Framework\Providers\AddQ\G#IDE\Providers\Provider_G#100\ProviderG#100_class

Thanks for reporting this bug to us.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Thanks a lot for your prompt fix.

G# Framework has been extremely useful up to now. In my company we have successfully adopted it for all the hardware communication we routinely program to drive our instruments.

Best regards


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Message 4 of 4