GDS(Goop Development Suite)

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GOOP Suite: questions before starting to use

Dear NI/GDS Community,


I'm just starting with GOOP Suite, and let me, please, ask you couple questions, on which I haven't found answer yet...


1. While installing GOOP from VIPM, it recompiles all VIs, from vi.lib\addons folder. It takes a tramendeous amount of time... Why it is needed, and what will be the consequences, please, if I'll discard this recompile (I understand, that it is needed for GOOP VIs, but I don't understand, why it is needed for other VIs).

2. Help files are not opened. I can find htm files on harddrive and open them, but via normal open, it is written, that file is not found. I thought, that they are blocked b/c downloaded from internet (what sometimes happens with chtm files), but no...

3. Are there some video tutorials of how and when to use this toolkit? B/c those links from LAVA forum, what were placed here also, are not valid anymore; and on youtube there is no video of how to use it exactly.


Thanks a lot in advance,


sincerely, kosist90.

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Message 1 of 4
  1. To get around to re-compile problem, why not try the OpenGDS version, it’s the same code (plus some bug fixes and some extra features).
    It produces exactly the same code/classes/methods, but the advantage is that there is a pre-compiled version for all LV versions.
    Download it from:
  2. If you install the OpenGDS version the help files are located here: \LabVIEW XXXX\resource\Framework\Providers\Open_GDS\HelpFiles
  3. The videos could be found here:
Message 2 of 4

Great, thank you very much!

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Message 3 of 4

why not try the OpenGDS version

Because the first thing you read on the OpenGDS page is a recommendation to open NI's version:


" I recommend you to use NI’s version to start with: "


It is a bit confusing...

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Message 4 of 4