GDS(Goop Development Suite)

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National Instruments has acquired GDS and made it FREE


The original source directory is


The install directory is


If you can make it build a package that starts from the _SVN version, moves things out to a not-under-LV location that LV likes, and then builds the package from there, that would facilitate me rebuilding it. Without that complexity, the autotest suite used to validate the GDS functionality doesn't work right without some significant refactoring.

PS: I'm aware that the test suite and build tools are not available to the community at this point. I was rushing to get the installer itself out (which is how I accidentally rebuilt without the license agreement I now discover)... I'll get the build tools and test suite out eventually -- let's say NIWeek is a good deadline for that, though I hope to have it well before then.

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Message 31 of 37

FYI, I always did build VIPM packages (or actually ogp) from my GDS Build Process, but it used the OpenG Package VIs, and I removed those before handing it over to NI.

NI still have access to that code if they want.

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 37

So if I'm not allowed to:

"distribute it, modify it or anything else..."

That means I can not do bug fixes and send those back to you, I can only report bugs.

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 37

Mikael: You're only not allowed to do anything with it in the absence of a license agreement.  I'll have the fixed version of the installer posted shortly -- either this evening or tomorrow morning.

Have I mentioned that I really hate software licensing?

For the record, the license agreement that *should* be there is the same one that you click on when you install LabVIEW itself.

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Message 34 of 37

I'm making changes in VIPM 2014 that will allow building this with VIPM and not need OpenG builder.

Message 35 of 37

MikaelH wrote:

Also we might be able to give out the BD Pwd that Symbio has used.

...I'll get back soon.

So did you confirm whether this was possible?  The BD password, not the activation code.

0 Kudos
Message 36 of 37

I've not gotten a confirmation of this yet, I'll ask again.

0 Kudos
Message 37 of 37