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Error using local fpga compile worker


I receive the following error on my computer when using the local (I only used the local compile worker so far) FPGA compile worker.

I tried various different VI's, some of them where compiled on the same computer last week.

Each job starts normal until the FPGA Compile worker is close to finish and the compilation status changes to "Finalizing programming file".

Then a window appears and asks me to update or repair the following redistributable: microsoft visual c++ redistributable (x64) 11.0.60610.

The compilation job will never finish, without an error message. The windows task manager shows that vivado.exe is not generating CPU load from this point. In the Xilinx log the last entry is: "### Finalize Programming File (Finalize Programming File) ###".

I uninstalled and reinstalled the redistributalbe various times. I updated Labview from 2015 to 2015 Service Pack 1 because of this error and I resinstalled the FPGA vivado compile worker. The error is still the same.

My operating system is windows 10.

I am using Labview 2015 SP1.

Compilation Tool: Xilinx Vivado 2014.4

I have not done any changes to my computer (installation/uninstallation of programmes) since last week.

The compilation of this vi takes normally 10min. Attached you can see the window of the compile worker and the xilinx log.

Any idea how to solve this problem?

Thank you

kind regards


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My information is from about 10 months ago..that Xilinix Vivado 2014 compiler is NOT compatiable with Win10.

I would offer to attempt to complile using the NI Cloud compiler to verify it's not your code.


Jack Hamilton

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Hello Jack,

thank you for your response. The whole labview/vivado enviroment did work on my computer for around 2 month. If Windows 10 is not supported by Vivado, I will try to setup a linux compile server.

Thank you for your response!

kind regards


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