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NI-5112 Exception error Calling Read() if does not trigger

I am using:



niScope.vb IVI driver wrapped for VB.NET

VB.NET 2005



If I call the Read() function using an edge trigger and the waveform does not trigger I get an exception falut that appears to be an "Invalid Parameter" error that I am trying to trap specifically so I can handle the issue correctly.


What is the best way to trap these timeout Errors?


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Have you taken a look at the example files for the DAQmx driver?   These are a great place to start when building your application.  They also show the recommended way of catching those errors, using a Try...Catch block around the code.  



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Message 2 of 3
Ok thanks, also would you know why the waveforms from the 5112 are returning with the last value always zero?
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