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Continuous sampling rate lower than 76Hz not possible with NI 9775?

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I am working with a cDAQ 9171 chassis and a NI 9775 DAQ.


I want to perform continuous data acquisition with a sampling rate of 25Hz. However, I get an error message displaying that the minimum sample clock rate is 76.2939 Hz. 


Is it not possible to sample continuously below this rate? 


Here is the error message:


Requested value is not a supported value for this property. The property value may be invalid because it conflicts with another property.

Property: NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Timing.SampleClockRate

Requested Value: 25.0

Maximum Value: 20.0e6

Minimum Value: 76.2939


Task name: _unnamedTask<1>


Status code: -200077



Thanks in advance for your help!

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Accepted by topic author scitune

It might be the case, you could work around by capturing at a constant rate and resample at the software level.


For example, capture at 100Hz, if you need to log only at 50Hz, log only every other sample from the DAQ.

Soliton Technologies

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