Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Drive synthetizer E8257D option 1EH with IVI


I have a synthetizer Agilent E8257D (with options : UNY, 540, 1E1, 1EU and IEH) and I would like to drive it with IVI (with LabVIEW).
How can I enable (and disable) the option 1EH (improved harmonics below 2 GHz / setting of low pass filter). I think, this function doesn't exist in IVI.

I have the same question for this option : "optimize SNR".




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Message 1 of 12



Thanks for posting on NI forum.


Did you download the driver for this instrument on our website or with LabVIEW (Tools >> Instrumentation >> Find Instruments drivers)?



Nicolas M.
National Instruments France

Journées Techniques LabVIEW 2012 : du 27 septembre au 22 novembre
2 sessions en parallèle : Débuter avec LabVIEW - Développer avec LabVIEW

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Message 2 of 12



I downloaded the IVI driver from Agilent website. It is well configured on MAX and I can drive my equipment from LV (IVI commands such as frequency or power level) but I didn't find IVI commands to set these improvement options.





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12



This driver has not been developed by us, I don't know the options included.

However, If you want to use LabVIEW to pilot your E8257D, you could find at this link or in Labview (in the rubric i say in the last post), a driver for your device.

And if you can't make what you want with this driver, you could also use GPIB and VISA palette to send your own order.



Nicolas M.
National Instruments France

Journées Techniques LabVIEW 2012 : du 27 septembre au 22 novembre
2 sessions en parallèle : Débuter avec LabVIEW - Développer avec LabVIEW

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Message 4 of 12



My question is not about the driver but more about the IVI specification. The driver I use is compatible with the "IviRFSigGen 1.00 Class Specification IviRFSigGen" such as the NI one but I didn't find in this class a function to command these optimizing options. I know that I can certainly do it with VISA protocol but I need interchangability in my application (possibility to change synthetizer without modification of the program).





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Message 5 of 12

Anytime you find that you need an instrument function that is not part of the IVI class, you have limited options. Either don't use the function or use it and lose interchangability. You could place the unique commands inside case structures so that they are not executed if you switch instruments.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Tanks for your answer,


Unfortunalty you confirm what I thinked, I have 3 ways :

1) using IVI for interchangability but with impossibility to command all options.

2) using VISA and rewriting the program when I change of equipment

3) using IVI with one part of the code (case structure) in VISA actived or not in depend on which synthetizer I use.

There is no perfect solution. Maybe the last one, but I have to open 1 IVI communication with the equipement + 1 VISA communication in the same time. It is possible or should I close one before opennig the second ?

Or, is there the possiblity to write a VISA command with the IVI protocol ?





0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Usually the instrument specific driver will have generic write and read functions. These should accept the IVI instrument handle.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12



I don't understand the meaning, I try to connect VISA Read or Write function to IVI flow and it doesn't work and I didn't find IVI Read or Write function.




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

I was referring to the E8257D driver from NI. On that palette, there is Utility Functions>Instrument I/O with a read and write function. Forgot you were using the driver from Agilent. I have no idea what that has.

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Message 10 of 12