Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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USB interface to VISA serial in Labview



  I have been trying to interface an external embedded system to a PC(Labview) software. The embedded board has an CP2102 uart-to-usb IC on it. While I was trying to send data from the board to Labview for plotting. Some times it does plotting some times it won't. I have been sending data at 9600 baud rate accordingly setting is done in VISA serial port in Labview GUI. Error which I got mostly is -1073807194 and it is not same always at VISA level.

 I used another software docklight to confirm whether data is received by PC end. Here I can witness the data being received everytime. Only on Labview I'm unable to track data and plot(regularly). I have posted my GUI please let me know the problem.

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Add a wait (100msec or so) with the while-loop where you receive the data.


Add the property node 'bytes at serial port' before you read and read the number of bytes from that property node.


The time-out input of the initialize VI is in decimal and I would stay with the default 10sec.



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