Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Error trying to update via VISA Driver Wizard

After doing a new install of LabView 2012 SP1 on a HP EliteBook, I ran MAX and was not able to see any of the USB devices connected despite having all the IVI drivers loaded beforehand. Upon running NI-VISA Driver Wizard, the program did recognize all of the USB equipment. I tried to install the drivers throught that but got an error message instead. Please see attachment.


What step am I missing here?

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Message 1 of 12
The driver wizard has absolutely nothing to do with IVI. What sort of USB equipment are you talking about.
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Message 2 of 12

I have several pieces of equipment via USB, the others are via GPIB. There is a GPIB to USB converter that MAX does detect. It is only the USB equipment that it does not see. 


Here are the USB ones:


an Agilent U2653A switch

a Silab debug adaptor

a Xilinx platform cable unit


Do you have any suggestions?




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Message 3 of 12
Install NI-VISA, the IVI Compliance Package, the IVI-COM drivers, and all USB drivers from the vendors. These could be for serial or USBTMC connections.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

I do have NI-VISA 5.1 installed. How do you check if it is the IVI compliance package? What's the difference? Also, where do I download the IVI-COM drivers? As far as the USB drivers from the vendors, I have downloaded the Xilinx ISE labtools and Agilent IVI drivers for the switch. I do have Agilent's Connection Expert loaded too. It sees the USB0 but no devices recognized branching out from that. Thoughts?

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Message 5 of 12

I just checked, I did install the IVI compliance package 4.5. This doesn't change the fact MAX still doesn't see the equipment. I even disabled, the Aglient VISA option. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12
Did you uninstall the files created by the driver wizard? Did you install the Agilent I/O Library? Were the instrument detected on a different pc?
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

I couldn't install via driver wizard, that was the problem. The driver wizard see the devices connected via USB, but that error message popped up (see original post for attachment). I did install Agilent I/O Library 13.1 version.


These pieces of equipments was recognized by a desktop previously until a power outage undid that that. At that point, these same equipment were requested to be used w/ a laptop instead. So never really did fix why the equipment was able to be detected by the desktop workstation again.


Sounds like you have an idea what the problem is?

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Message 8 of 12
At this point, I don't really know what you did. It sounds like you actually ran the wizard. That was a huge mistake. You have to actually delete the files you created or go back to a system restore point.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Long story short, I had to jump ship from a previous desktop computer setup to a newer laptop w/ same setup. So I had to load all the NI Developer suite stuff as well as all the accompanying drivers. I did have some security settings messing up the download process, but that is another story. Suffice to say, I thought after doing all that loading, then ran MAX, the equipment attached would show up like clockwork. No such luck. Unless there is a list of what do first available, this is what I did:


a. deactive security

b. load NI Developer Suite

c. update software

d. load drivers

e. connect equipment

f. check for communication


So it's at f, that I can't do.


Huh. Uninstall or delete the inf and ini files that was created by the driver wizard then? When the files were somewhat generated but that error about not installing successfully because I don't have the right access doesn't make any since. I guess it is worth a shot to delete those files generated.


BTW, do you have a number I can chat with you about this? Probably will be better than waiting for a post from each end? If you don't mind that is. Thanks again. 


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Message 10 of 12