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Issue getting correct axes using rigol driver for RIGOL 1104z Oscilloscope

I hope this is the correct forum. I have a Rigol 1104z Oscope that I read into the attached LabVIEW VI. The issue I've been having is that the LabVIEW appear to look for the signal that displays in the waveform window, and struggle with getting a correct time axes (and also y axes). I have tried turning off autoscale and setting the limits manually. I've found that moving the signal peak around on the oscope screen can sometimes allow the LabVIEW to run. I've spent a while on the forums/web, and I think the issue is perhaps that the drive is for older Rigols (1000 series, 1102, etc). In which case, perhaps a Rigol issue, not really LabVIEW. Point is, we will see part of the waveform signal in the figure, versus the complete signal. I don't know what to try next. Next steps would be helpful.


I do attach an image of what the output should look like when the LabVIEW is running well. Please let me know if something is missing or unclear. 






0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Can you edit this vi?

Goto the frontpanel with the correct graphs. Select edit/ make all current values default and after that save the vi.

Then send this vi attached to your message.


greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Here we are as requested, thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I think I fixed the problem, good enough for my immediate purpose. Perhaps related to the driver issue, in the second loop that does the log fit there is an erroneous data point under the array "Y". It's the last one, Y(691), so I set it equal to Y(690). I attached a fixed version.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5


I have a problem with the matlab nodes in my LabVIEW community version.

Glad you solved the problem in the data.


greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 5 of 5